I don‘t remember how I came across this novel, but I enjoyed it very much! Towels does a phenomenal job creating a protagonist that readers invest in and have sympathy for. I wanted to hear more of the Count‘s story even after 460 pages!
I don‘t remember how I came across this novel, but I enjoyed it very much! Towels does a phenomenal job creating a protagonist that readers invest in and have sympathy for. I wanted to hear more of the Count‘s story even after 460 pages!
I found this novel to be very reminiscent of Radium Girls in that the story is told from three perspectives that inevitably intersect. While not completely non-fiction, events and characters were had some basis in reality. This was a fantastic narrative non-fiction text. A quick read for sure.
While this book may not be historically accurate, it presented an intriguing idea about how Andrew Carnegie may have come to be the philanthropist most people know him as.
This was an interesting mix of history and back story on the making of the Chris Nolan movie. I wish it would have been one or the other, at times it was hard to jump back and forth. This may have been more of a challenge with the audio book and may be less do with the paper text.
This was a fun, quick read inspired by my language arts teammate who picked it up and adored it.
I had no clue Hemingway had such an interesting life, I definitely learned a ton about him.
This was a fun YA hero‘s journey novel. My class of struggling readers loved it!
This was a super interesting and relevant book. Understanding the importance of sleeping has forced me to shift my thought process to ensure that it is a priority.
I didn‘t know much about Apollo 8 before reading this book. Kurson gave a plethora of insight into what it was like to be a part of the space program during this time. He completed a great deal of research and interviewed astronauts and those who worked in mission control to build this world for those of us who will never fully understand or be a part of the world of rockets and space exploration.
A fantastic book that helps readers understand their own biases and the implications those biases have on how we manifest hate in our world.
A must read! This novel definitely gave me a different perspective on a world that I have not been a part of, but have obviously witnessed on the news. This was a great fiction read opposite of the book The Opposite of Hate.
Very detailed book about the creation of the hit musical, Hamilton. I enjoyed hearing about what went into creating this story for the stage and it made me even more bummed that I missed it in Denver.
An interesting insight into the intersecting lives of differing people working on or around the atomic bomb dropped on Hiroshima. A compelling story about what it must have been like to be working on a top secret project.
This one always gets me. So glad I had students choose this one.
Haven‘t read this one in a while, forgot how much I enjoyed looking at the world and life experiences from the viewpoint of a child... manipulation is a dangerous game we play.
I thought this was an interesting read. It definitely got in depth in science by the end, much of which was over my head... still cultivated a number of thoughts about our future as a collective world culture/ human race.
I really enjoyed reading this one. It took me a while to get through because I was reading it before bed, but it was a lot of fun. A solid, contemporary dystopian novel for adult readers. The allusions will be lost on younger readers, but they will likely still enjoy it nonetheless.
Loved hearing Kelly‘s perspective on a year in space, away from family and the comforts of home. As I reflect on my own situation I find myself feeling grateful that at least I‘m not quite so far away.
Very timely read! I had read the YA version a few months ago, but I very much enjoyed the added detail that the adult version added (beyond Musks love of the F word). He is an inspiration and a role model for us all when it comes to standing firm in what you believe and chasing your dreams until you make them your reality.
Loved it! So uplifting and empowering. Started suggesting it to some of my girls even if they weren‘t into coding because the themes presented were so powerful and necessary for all girls.
Loving this audio book! It‘s reminding me of the successes I felt when I was working on my tech masters degree. I feel very connected with the thoughts presented in the intro about not feeling good enough at math and other areas that are/were predominantly male-centric. So glad this was recommended by @Floresj
I did not love this book as much as I thought I would or wanted to. It was a quick read, but it lacked the detail to make it feel more worth reading. Where it lacked in detail, it did make up some in the form of humor.
Anderson is the undeniable teen queen! This was a tear-jerker! I got to the end and bawled my eyes out. It was very hard to put down! Love how Anderson captured the complexities of teen relationships all while handling what it‘s like to be the child of a vet dealing with PTSD.
Gotta say, I didn‘t love this one as much as I wanted to. The word choice, at times, broke the illusion as it tried to appeal too much to the lingo of teens versus holding true to the gravity of the story. I was disappointed, to say the least, with the general arc of the plot. This book was very reminiscent of Shecter‘s novel Cleopatra‘s Moon, both in style and language.
Love that moment when you‘re reading a text with a different lens and with kids and you walk away with completely new interpretations that you never even considered... mind blown seventh graders...
I had high hopes for this one since it is a book a number of teachers use, but the main character is static and the ending is anti-climactic.
I really enjoyed the storytelling of this biography. Skloot breaks up the denseness of facts with anecdotal narratives. The Lacks family is well developed, helping the reader to empathize with their situation.
Honest truth, I chose this book because of the preview for the movie... it was a captivating story since this book is an autobiography. It really throws into perspective how the choices adults make for their kids can have a huge impact, but with the right supports from those who interact with the kids, they can overcome just about anything life throws at them.
Loved listening to the audio book on the way to and from work! Such an inspiring story that not enough people realize!
I learned so much from this short, highly informative text without feeling dumb! This text was accessible to someone not in a science field and Tyson's humor is engaging to all.
This book was not only excellent in terms of the writing, but also because of its historical value. I learned a great deal about radium and the dial painters, which I had no prior knowledge about. I learned so much!
I was really bummed when I finished this one because I was in a town with only small, local bookstores that didn't have the sequel. I really want to know what happens because this cliffhanger is killing me! This was an interesting dystopian/alternate reality novel that keeps you guessing. Just when you think you have it figured out, you don't.
It's going to be really hard to not just sit and read all day! Started Wolf by Wolf last night and I'm intrigued!
This was a great follow up to Dead End in Norvelt. This sequel picks up right where the last book left off and keeps the reader guessing as to who the real killer might be...
When absolute power corrupts absolutely the result is life altering as it was for a vast number of men and women, young and old alike during WWII. After reading this one, I am beyond words...
I had not heard of this particular novel until we were shopping for a new read aloud couple's book and I came across this bright read cover! Intrigued to read about Austria in WWII as that is the time period in which my father's mother, my Oma, grew up there.
A decent dystopian novel to give struggling readers in place of The Giver.
This is a quick 114 page book that leaves you feeling grateful for all that you have and makes you realize all you take for granted.
This book is definitely more of a tween love story... great message about doing what's right even if that's not what is easy.
So good that I had to stay up and finish it even though tomorrow is an early start for me. Loved the continued arc from the civil rights to President Obama... very moving, but also left a feeling of frustration given some current events...
On a roll today! Appreciating the insight that Lewis brings to this narrative!
Great detail and unique perspective on the civil rights movement. A quick read!
While I loved the plot of this novel, I struggled with the jumping narration. Some transitions were unclear and I had to do some re-reading. This was definitely an uplifting story about overcoming your circumstances.
I am reading the young adult version of this book. The sentence structure leaves something to be desired, but the author has included a great amount of detail and I love that Elon has given his blessing and helped to clarify events. If giving this book to kids, it would be wise to ensure they are fluent readers first.
This was an easy read and very much in the style of Philbrick... the New Orleans accent was a bit challenging at times as it didn't feel like it flowed well, however, it did serve to develop characters. I liked that Philbrick included non-fiction in the back about Katrina.
Absolutely loved this one. I could not put it down. We all know Einstein's theory of relativity, but this novel poses an interesting twist with the change of perspective. Getting to know Mileva Meric and her impact on Albert Einstein and his work was the bright spot in my day. We read this book aloud in about 3 days. Having a physicist who knew more history listening in added to my understanding.
Fantastic young adult novel that teaches empathy and understanding. The main character is 11, so this would be a great read for pre-teens. Can't even imagine the struggles that some of our students face as they go through the educational system that often marginalizes those who are unable to advocate for themselves.