My 35th birthday present to myself ❤️ #waitingononebook #joehill #stephenking #carlsagan #johnkrakauer #gillianflynn #jonathansafranfoer #laurahillenbrand #jojomoyes #barbarakingsolver #benjaminhoff #sharoncreech #daveeggers #khaledhosseini
My 35th birthday present to myself ❤️ #waitingononebook #joehill #stephenking #carlsagan #johnkrakauer #gillianflynn #jonathansafranfoer #laurahillenbrand #jojomoyes #barbarakingsolver #benjaminhoff #sharoncreech #daveeggers #khaledhosseini
Sad that it is time to go to sleep, because I want to binge-read this book! Lol 😂
Well, let's see what this is all about 🤔
I look forward to this part of my day ❤️🤓💤
"It is morally as bad not to care whether a thing is true or not, so long as it makes you feel good, as it is not to care how you got your money as long as you have got it."
I finished Cosmos. I adore Sagan. He is a good influence. I stood and looked up at the moon for awhile tonight and thought how truly breathtaking it must be to stand on the moon and see the earth. Not just a picture of the earth from the moon, mind you-but to actually see it from that barren landscape, surrounded by darkness 😍or stars. I'm not sure which. The pictures always have black skies, but that might be because of the flash. 🤔
When I visited Seattle, I was enamored with the Pacific North West Native American stories and artwork. How cool that Sagan is highlighting the Raven myth! ❤️
"Such low frequency sounds are scarcely absorbed in the ocean. The American biologist Roger Payne has calculated that using the deep ocean sound channel, two whales could communicate with each other at twenty Hertz essentially anywhere in the world. One might be off the Ross Ice Shelf in Antarctica and communicate with another in the Aleutians."
I. Love. This. Book. ❤️
"... (6) quasars are "white holes," the other side of black holes, a funneling and eventual emergence into view of matter pouring into a multitude of black holes in other parts of the universe, or even in other universes."
Mind. Blown.
"The nitrogen in our DNA, the calcium in our teeth, the iron in our blood, the carbon in our apple pies were made in the interiors of collapsing stars. We are made of starstuff." I love this quote so much. We are all starstuff. ?
I love reading Cosmos at night. There's just something about it that is both staggering and calming when contemplating the immensity of the universe. It also doesn't hurt that I'm reading in Sagan's voice. ❤️