Also this. I have never been more embarrassed, humiliated, and enraged by my government than I am now. Reposting is resistance. #ranttime
Also this. I have never been more embarrassed, humiliated, and enraged by my government than I am now. Reposting is resistance. #ranttime
"I saw there was a second South. My whole life I‘d only seen one. I loved my South, though I could see how it was broken, plagued still with the legacies of slavery and war and segregation. History and a thousand unseen walls divided up the territory . . ." Pic of the real Monroeville (Harper Lee's Maycomb). I suspect there are many similarities with Jackson's Birchville. #truth #SisterLove
#FeelintheLove @Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks @Eggs
1. Casey got an adorable haircut. He‘s no longer at risk of heat stroke in the middle of winter from the shear wealth of hair on his body!
2. I started SISTER SNAKE tonight and I immediately feel all OMG about it. Is this the book I‘ve been waiting for? I sure hope so.
#MondayMood #RantTime
“Woke means you care about other people”
Feel free to join me and post your mood today. Or feel free to unfollow I believe in a world where the choice should be ours, yours as well as mine. 🩷
The author mentioned this website as a resource to show librarians some love.
Link: https://wethelibrarians.org/
#NoPlaceLikeHolmes @Cuilin
Thoughts, Sherlockians?
Ch 2: our girl was third wheeling it! #untilshewasnt #ilegitthoughtdoreenwasbeingattacked #ourgirlbails #becausewalkingfortynycblocksissosafe #girl #bathtime #ifeelthisinmysoul #sadnessneedsbathtime #doreenisback 🤮 #ourgirlplanstohangwiththecalmergirls #letsseehowthatgoes #staytuned #hashtagbrigade
Ch 1: #ourgirlisobsessedwiththerosenbergs #inNYConscholarship #doreensoundslikeapill #everythingourgirlwantstobe #shetriessohard #neverquitehitsthemark #alwaysontheoutsidelookingin #offtoaparty #idonttrustthesecowboys #doreeniscalmcoolcollected #afewdrinksandmovingon #whatcouldgowrong #staytuned #hashtagbrigade