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Women in Science
Women in Science: 50 Fearless Pioneers Who Changed the World | Rachel Ignotofsky
179 posts | 81 read | 3 reading | 309 to read
A charmingly illustrated gift book profiling 50 famous women scientists from the ancient Greek mathematician, philosopher, and astronomer, Hypatia, to Marie Curie, a physicist and chemist. A recent U.S. Department of Education survey found that high school girls take the same number of math and science classes as boys and earn slightly higher grades, but only 15 percent of U.S. collegiate women major in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) fields. Encouraging young women and girls to pursue STEM career tracks has never been more important. Women in Science highlights notable women's contributions to various scientific fields and inspires readers both young and old. A fascinating collection full of striking, singular art, the book features 50 profiles and illustrated portraits of women in STEM from the ancient to the modern world, and also contains infographics about interesting and relevant topics such as lab equipment and rates of women currently working in STEM fields. Profiles feature well-known figures, such as biologist Rachel Carson and primatologist Jane Goodall, as well as lesser-known pioneers, such as Dr. Patricia Bath, the first African-American woman to receive a medical patent, and Barbara McClintock, a Nobel Prize-winning cytogeneticist.
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#NewYearNewBooks Day 14: Literally, #WomenInScience. A strength of the book is its capacity to make the science come alive by not talking down to its intended audience of young readers. There is sufficient respect in the child‘s intelligence who is expected to get what Ignotofsky is excitedly talking about. She does this by providing substantive information without overwhelming the young reader‘s sensibility. My review: https://wp.me/pDlzr-jtl

Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks So pretty 💫 💜 6mo
Eggs Well played!! 6mo
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Loving a Monday, in spite of it all. ☕️📚🤷‍♀️

Ginger-cardamom sourdough rolls, fresh from the oven after 2 days of preparation, and a wide walk through women in science for research. How‘s your Monday rolling out?

#mondayfunday #foodandlit #cooking #lovefromtheoven #STEM

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My wonderful sister @rachelsbrittain helped reorganize my bookshelves so they're functional and look super cute!


Nute Lovely! 4y
readordierachel Looks great! 4y
CaffeineAndCandy ᴘʀᴇᴛᴛʏ ❤ 4y
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What a great fast read on remarkable women who made a change in this world. Women who risked their lives and made their dreams come true to discover things that we use and know today.

emz711 Nice! I was thinking about getting it 4y
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👍👍👍 #51 #2019

elizabethlk This one was awesome, and apparently the author has upcoming ones for sports and art. :D 5y
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Starting this next on #overdrive #currentlylistening

Bradleygirl Ah i loved this, the illustrations are MARVELOUS 5y
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#7days7covers #covercrush #day2

If you have time and want to join in, I‘d love to see your fave covers over the next 7 days @LeeRHarry 😘

LeeRHarry Thanks for the tag Jenny 😘 - I will go off and raid the bookshelves 😏 5y
JennyM @LeeRHarry yippeee...I know you‘ll have some beautiful covers xx 5y
Tanisha_A Gorgeous! 5y
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I think this is a wonderful book to help inspire the next generation of women to enter the STEM field but I wish there were more things in it. I was really disappointed in the references page. I also feel like even though the second half of the book was very diverse, the first half seemed to be mostly about white American women which was a little frustrating because I know there were other discoveries outside of the US.

#mpls #twincities

readingjedi Love that cover! 5y
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NF/NY Times Bestseller/ SR IR
Each page of this book is saturated in color & details the achievements of one women in the industry of science. Book includes a timeline of how far women have come in the field of science & a great glossary of terms.
This would be a great resource to use in the classroom for various activities
Great resources from the author's webpage https://tinyurl.com/y496jptd
UDL 2.1
ELL academic vocabulary definitions

Ivanita08 Great science book for students to learn about what different women have contributed to science. Good pick! 5y
gergana08 women in Science, is a book that I would use for older students who have a better understanding. It is a great way to teach about women and how far they have come in the industry of science. The book includes vocabulary definitions which is also a great lesson plan in the classroom. 5y
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We love this book, in fact the boy checked it out from the library so many times we bought it for him for Christmas. When I saw the puzzle I couldn‘t resist. 500 pieces and the illustrations are fun and color coded. Good times!

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I may have used Litsy to make an image for the social media accounts I started for Cientificas Presente 🤓🇵🇷🌺 Follow us on Instagram and/or Facebook! I‘ll be sharing photos and videos from the semester up until we arrive on the island on June 15, then it‘ll be live, on the ground content from camp 😊

Fridameetslucy Ty for the hit of hope and progress I got from your post. Brava. You teach at my holyoke? I have a house in Northampton. 5y
kgriffith @Fridameetslucy no, I‘m an undergrad student 😊 Frances Perkins scholar, more exactly. I‘ll be teaching at camp though! 5y
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Unlike last haircut day, I only bought ONE of the three books I wanted from the selection at the nearby consignment and quirky gift shop I love. The others were also science books written in engaging and fun ways, but this one really speaks to the core of the STE(A)M camp I‘m helping put on in Puerto Rico this summer. Maybe the class/program needs its own Litsy account to share relevant books with the girls, hmmmm... 🤔 🇵🇷

LogiKitty I would love to hear how it is! I have this one in my tbr (: 5y
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#LiteraryLuck Day 8: For #InternationalWomensDay, here is a collection of fierce fantastic female scientists. It is indeed fortuitous that there is a preponderance of biographies on notable females published over the past two years or so. We are now spoiled for choices and can really examine the titles for diversity, authenticity, and representation. My review: https://wp.me/pDlzr-jtl

SharonAlger Happy International Women‘s Day to you too. 5y
wordzie Super 😎 5y
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks 🙌🏻💗 5y
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lynneamch So cool! Do you know about this index of women authors who write historical fiction? Links take you to pic of author and short interview of each http://www.greermacallister.com/blog/2019/2/2/introducing-the-womenshistoryreads... 5y
vkois88 This book is so beautiful! I happened to find it at Goodwill for only ten cents!!! I snatched it up and packed it away for when LO is a bit older. 5y
JillR This book is so good and both of my kids have used it a few times for various school projects :) 5y
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I‘ve been really enjoying reading about all these amazing women in science. I just got to this page on the list of all the different laboratory tools many of these ladies used and I was shocked. I got my BS in environmental science which involved taking up to organic chemistry. I can say that I‘ve used every single one of these tools at some point in my educational career.

#stem #science #women #strong #smart #feminist #diverse #mpls #twincities

julesG They haven't changed much. 5y
Schnoebs @julesG I‘m guessing it‘s all the most recent version of the tools. But either way I‘m pretty happy with how hard chem was for me 😂 5y
julesG No, it's not always the most recent version of lab equipment. Some of it just hasn't changed all that much, because it was constructed by scientists who needed the piece of equipment in just this way and it's still used in this way. 5y
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So I‘ve skimmed through this several times since buying it but this is the first time I‘m reading it page by page. These pages include a time dedicate to amazing achievements of women in history. Why is this book about women who changed the world but the timeline is only about moments in American women‘s history? 🤔

#question #why #confused #feminism #step #science #nonfiction #mpls #twincities

julesG I've wondered that, too. 5y
Schnoebs @julesG it‘s frustrating but at the same time the actual pages on the women have so far been primarily non American and extremely well summarized 🤷‍♀️ 5y
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Merry Christmas everyone! I hope everyone had a truly wonderful day no matter how it was spent. It was our twins first Christmas and truly fun even though they won't remember it.

I was spoiled bookwise. I wish I had time to read all of these now!

Tanisha_A Adorable! 😍 6y
HOTPock3tt ♥️ 6y
niha923 Merry Christmas! The twins are sooo adorable! Them boooks😍😍😍 6y
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LauraBeth awwww - they‘re adorable! 6y
youneverarrived Awww 😍 6y
tracy.anne8 @Tanisha_A @HOTPock3tt @niha93 @LauraBeth @youneverarrived Thank you😁. I Hope you all had a great holiday! 6y
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I have not received my #Jolabokaflodswap yet so I figured I‘d improvise since I‘d still like to celebrate!

abookishbutterfly That‘s sad that you didn‘t receive your package yet! 6y
MidnightBookGirl I didn't get mine either, so I totally bought myself some chocolate too! 6y
bridge12 @Butterflyamore it‘s a bummer but I certainly made due by eating about 15 of these cookies throughout the day 😏 6y
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bridge12 @MidnightBookGirl oh nooo!!! Great minds think alike! Happy make shift Jolabokaflod!! 6y
MidnightBookGirl @bridge12 it was waiting in my mailbox when I got home... but any excuse for more chocolate! 6y
bridge12 @MidnightBookGirl YEAHHH!!! I‘m happy you got yours!! 6y
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Thank you very much, Lauren. What a gorgeous gift! I had to pace myself already, might have devoured the book in one sitting. (which would not be that bad, but I'd like to stretch it a bit.)


kaysworld1 That book looks amazing 💖 6y
sebrittainclark I love this book! The illustrations are so beautiful! 6y
Schnoebs I‘m so happy you like it! I really wanted to get something that I didn‘t think you really had access to 😍 plus like I said, I thought the entire family would possibly enjoy it! 6y
julesG @Schnoebs We've been reading about Marie Curie today, and Lise Meitner. My daughter wanted to see a German woman in there. Great pick! 😘 6y
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This gem is a wonderful place to start for anyone interested in the history of women in science. The vibrant design is easy on the eyes and the information included is a fabulous introduction. I definitely recommend this one for all ages.

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Well this happened during my trip to New York City. Not really sure how I ended up getting a book haul on vacation but it happened 😂

#bookhaul #oops #vacation #mpls #twincities

CaliforniaCay It wouldn't be a vacation without a book haul! 6y
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Today I am going to try to get to these two for my #NEWTsreadathon2018. Women in Science is for my E levels in Herbology and Fantastic Beasts will be for my A levels in History of Magic.

I have 32 books to get through this month, just for this readathon. I don't know if I can do it but I'm Slytherin enough to try.

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CoffeeNBooks I didn't realize this was a book, lol- I have a set of these postcards! They're great! 6y
TheFunkyBookworm Yes!!! Great pick! 🎉💜 6y
Slajaunie I love science and want to see more girls/young women take an interest in it! 6y
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Bright stylized art, snippets of facts, a memorable quote & a page of text are allotted to each of the 50 women featured. Some are well-known like Rachel Carson & Jane Goodall, many are Nobel recipients. All have faced gender-based discrimination, such as working without pay for 7 years (or 9 years) as a university professor &/or being denied research space & bathroom facilities. Inspiration for young & older readers interested in STEM.

LeahBergen I‘ll need to keep this in mind for kid gifts. 👍🏻 6y
Lindy @LeahBergen Indeed! I preferred Little Leaders, although the focus has only a small overlap, because of my personal preference for the presentation style in 6y
LeahBergen @Lindy Now I‘ll keep them both in mind! 6y
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“People are allergic to change. You have to get out and sell the idea.” —Grace Hopper, 1906-1992, Navy admiral and computer scientist.

Lindy Also, I learned that Grace Hopper coined the term “debugging” when a moth got caught in the computer. 😜 6y
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I‘m not only learning about women in science, I‘m learning new vocabulary. Mary Agnes Chase 1869-1963) is considered to be the world‘s greatest agrostologist. That‘s an expert on the subject of grass.

minkyb 👍🏻 6y
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Day 4: #readingresolutions #coverlove

Aimeesue My daughter got this for me last Christmas - she gets me! Fabulous book. ❤️ 6y
JennyM @Aimeesue what a great Chrissie present. It‘s always great to get something that‘s it so you x 6y
Aimeesue @JennyM I was most impressed that she was able to find a book that I'd love THAT I HAD NOT READ YET! Bookgirl problems, right? 😄 6y
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In 1893, Florence Baskin was the first woman to get a PhD from John Hopkins University. She was forced to take her classes behind a screen so she wouldn‘t ‘distract‘ any of her male classmates.

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Reading Envy Podcast 116: Make Margaret Atwood Fiction Again with @BestDogDad

Jeff Koeppen returns to the Reading Envy Pub, stamping the snow from his boots so we can chat books. We cover poetry for National Poetry Month, science in tribute to his first episode, North Korea, Scotland, dystopia, and a new modern classic.


BestDogDad Thanks for having me on again, Jenny! 6y
saresmoore 🙌 6y
ReadingEnvy @BestDogDad always a pleasure! 6y
BestDogDad @ReadingEnvy I love how you used my Litsy image of Chris Guthrie wearing earphones! 😆 6y
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Taking a break from reading to March for Science. #womeninSTEM. Also the tagged book is amazing! ⚗️🔭🔬

MicheleinPhilly YAAASSS! That shirt is AMAZING! 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼 6y
AmyG Wonderful!!! 👊🏻(thank you) (edited) 6y
alisiakae 💪🏽💪🏽💪🏽 6y
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TK-421 Awesome! 👏👏👏👊 6y
JoScho Get it girl! 🙌🏼 6y
GripLitGrl ✊✊YES!!!👏👏👏 6y
JessNevertheless Thanks all!! Gotta stand up for science ✊🏻👩🏻‍🔬⚗️ @MicheleinPhilly @AmyG @4thhouseontheleft @TK-421 @JoScho @GripLitGrl 6y
mrozzz Great T-shirt 🙌🏻 6y
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Annie Easley inspired me so much that I have penned a poem about her :)

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This book is awesome! Huge thank you to the wonderful anonymous person who gifted it to me today😻

MrsGagnonreads2024 I love that book I got it for my goddaughter 6y
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks That was sweet 🧡🧡 6y
MrBook Did I ever do a #TBRtemptation post of this book? 🤔 Hmmm, I feel like I have, but if I haven't then I should. 6y
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Thanks litsians for some great recommendations this year.
Pretty Girls
Paper Girls
Women in science
Proves humanity can after all better AI (goodreads😀)

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JessNevertheless Love this book! 6y
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These books are great reads for children, to highlight some women‘s contributions to history, culture and society.
#magicalmarch #womeninhistory

vkois88 Great choices! 6y
JoScho I have a few Frida storybooks but not that one. I need to check it out. 6y
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Can't wait until Piper is old enough to enjoy this gorgeous book she received from our friends 😁📚

ephemeralwaltz 😍😍😍 6y
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#lifegoals I bought this book for my class library and so far I‘ve been the only one who has checked it out! So amazing and wonderful.

Brenley Actually and seriously one of my goals to have a house large enough to do stuff like this!! 6y
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Gave one of my students this book today for vday. She was super excited. I flipped through and discovered that even the end papers are AMAZING!😍😍😍

Tamra Awesome! 6y
Gina That's wonderful 6y
Maria514626 Beautiful! 6y
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Okay, I have to take a better pic of all my loot, but I wanted to show Tullulah who came over to claim her Valentine‘s toy 💕from @LadyChristy . She did a really cute pounce and then ran off with it. I‘m like a sloth in the morning without my coffee ☕️ so I didn‘t catch it on camera. More pics to follow, but I‘ll just say I love absolutely everything and thanks so much for thinking of my kitties 😻#Cupidgoespostal

LadyChristy Awww! Hooray! She‘s so cute! I‘m glad the kitties like their gift! Adorable sneaky pounces are the best! 😍😸 6y
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What a great idea this book is, and it should be sitting on a table in every science classroom to shed light on the forgotten or under appreciated women who contributed so much to science.

BestDogDad So many were discouraged to pursue science careers, and once they became scientists were discriminated against and discoveries attributed to male supervisors or team members. Eye opening. 6y
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I found a used copy of this and had to have it! I loved the Women in Sports book.

alisiakae Both of these are excellent books! 6y
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One of the favourite Christmas presents my #moderngirl received this year! Teaching her about the history of women and the options in her future 💪🔬⚛️🌺🐞🌋🏗️🏥🚀

@Cinfhen @batsy

Cinfhen Awesome!! 6y
batsy Oh, this looks brilliant! Love the cover. 6y
lucylovestoread @batsy It is beautifully illustrated! Such a great message ♥️ 6y
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1. This is a work shelfie- the first half of my biography section
2. Futuristic
3. None of the above right now, but when I‘m not pregnant I go back and forth between wine and beer.
4. Blue
5. Refugee by Alan Gratz, Sputnik‘s Guide to Life on Earth by Frank Cottrell Boyce, about to start some Agatha Christie short stories

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This is such a cool book!! I love the illustrations and design. Hats off to these women and many more who are truly fearless and inspirational! ❤️

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#TBRtemptation post 2! A well-illustrated and beautiful book that discusses 50 notable women in the STEM fields--science, technology, engineering, and mathematics. From Jane Goodall to Katherine Johnson, the profiled women will show how trailblazing women have been in the various fields. #blameLitsy #blameMrBook 😎

JessNevertheless I love this book! Already have given several copies as gifts.❤️ 7y
InLibrisVeritas I am want this one! I have the Sports book and it's gorgeous 7y
AmyG @JessNevertheless I was going to say....this makes a great gift. 7y
erzascarletbookgasm Gorgeous! 7y
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TK421 That is awesome!! 7y
effinprincess Omg! I might need this set to display on my shelf! 7y
silentrequiem @effinprincess It's amazing! Get it from Lego. The prices got jacked up everywhere else because of resellers. 😝 7y
effinprincess It'll have to wait until next month unless I make some sales in my shop but I definitely need this! 7y
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Reading this little beauty for a break from longer books. Never too old to learn about women scientists, mathematicians, philosophers from all over the world. I love the illustrations. Every girl/tween/teen/young adult/adult can learn a thing or three. This has given me the desire to delve deeper into the lives of these inspirational women. #deweys24hourreadathon

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Getting to fill in for an after school STEM program this afternoon. We're making marble roller coasters. It should be madness and good fun. I'll be bringing one of my favorite programming aids, just in case there is a chance to work it in. Can't wait until I have been in the job a little longer and can put more work into my women in STEM programs!

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So far this is a fun an enlightening read! Great companion piece to #lumberjanes

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Reading to my little sister

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Exciting news this morning! We get the keys to our flat tomorrow & can move back home! We've been in a temporary flat for 3 months so am excited to move home & be reunited with my stuff (books!📚)

Also excited to read Women in Science as part of my #7in7readathon it's gorgeously illustrated.

#womensstudies #womeninscience #equalitymatters

Riveted_Reader_Melissa Looks beautiful and congratulations!! 7y
Boghunden Congrats on the flat. Contemporary living situations are no fun! 7y
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Boghunden Hahaha, obviously I meant temporary! 😂 7y
catebutler Oh that's very good news! So happy for you! And this book looks beautiful - that illustration! 😍 7y
charissharpe @Boghunden thank you lovely 😊 7y
charissharpe @catebutler it's gorgeous, I'll share more soon. So happy to be moving back home! 7y
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