19 years later at 19! Time flies when your a book worm!
I should stop with the audio books, the female narrator is driving me nuts! Her voice is awful!
I hate all the characters in this book! Justine is a weak willed idiot. Lilith and Lucy are boring old asses, but I need to finish this awful book.
A collection of short stories that make you question everything you thought you knew! Loving them 😀
Why??!! Why?? Did I finish the whole book? Don't do it! Drop it, do not turn another page. #dud #whydidntistop #nowimmad #whatthehell
"That was our mistake, I think. One of many mistakes. To believe that boys were acting with a logic that we could someday understand. To believe that their actions had any meaning beyond thoughtless impulse."
One of my all-time favorite books! #Thewaythecrowflies #canadianfiction #solidchoice #love