This book exudes a sense of isolation and a fear of bad decision making, and at the same time a feeling of complete empathy for the main character. I think this book will stay with me for awhile.
This book exudes a sense of isolation and a fear of bad decision making, and at the same time a feeling of complete empathy for the main character. I think this book will stay with me for awhile.
Inspiring! A great reminder of other people's challenges and a window into how they can be conquered.
Interesting point Toobin acknowledges in Supreme Court History, and it's current make up. Already enjoying this book.
This book is small, but jam-packed with feeling!
Loved Loved Loved this book!
Not exactly what I had expected, but nevertheless a very good book! I had hoped for more about the writing of the Declaration of Independence, but very little was included. This book was all about the battles, which isn't my favorite material. And yet, even though I knew the ending, it had suspense!
Simply written, yet inspiring! A book that can be read by various ages, and should be read!
The Taliban is not an organized force like we imagine...It's a mentality, and this mentality is everywhere in Pakistan. Page 232
Life isn't just about taking in oxygen and giving out carbon dioxide.
Sometimes you feel more of one thing and less of another, and sometimes you feel them out of order...pg 164
"Friendship, companionship: it so often defied logic, so often eluded the deserving..." -Pages 91-92