Seeing John and Hank Green at the #tatwd tour yesterday was delightful! Can't wait to dive into TATWD!
Seeing John and Hank Green at the #tatwd tour yesterday was delightful! Can't wait to dive into TATWD!
These nerds are complicating my reading time. Also playing referee with them and the pup on my bed.
File under: things I needed to hear in the past but am grateful to know and share now.
My new digs has so many great reading spots, but my deck at sunset is one of my favorites!
Diving into these two today to join a read-along. I love Middlemarch and am excited to read these two in tandem.
Did I miss the point of this book? I kept reading because the writing was good and I was waiting for something to happen, but a whole lot of nothing happened.
Sneaking away from my own minions to read this as much as I can. I love Louisa and can't wait to see where life takes her next.
I'm reference to the end of my latest romantic relationship. Two things I know for sure: 1) I am done dating for the time being and 2) I will forever come back to this book in all stages of my relationships.
2017 is the year of the poet!
I've seen these poems all over for the past few years but it doesn't beat finally having my hands on the real thing.
I'll be meditating on this one for a while.
Really struggling to get into this one. Anyone else read it and have thoughts?
"He stayed in front of my house, engine running, as I walked up the steps. I could feel him watching me and wondered if he was worried whether I'd keep up my end of our bargain. Still, I couldn't shake the image of his face, so dark and angry, his hand coming at me, with no time to stop it or get out of the way. It was like he'd become a different person, a monster from a nightmare."
Went on a shopping spree today and ended up with these two lovelies!
I was so stoked to finally get my hands on this book through BookMooch and it did not disappoint. The author wove together the history of three generations of troubled women seamlessly and resolved everything by the last page. It is a painful tale but told with such authenticity and heart you can hardly put it down. I am definitely going to dig into her short stories and essays because I love her voice.
I've been spending my weekend alternating between reading and Gilmore Girls. There is something about his book that is captivating. The tone has me mesmerized.
Each memory stunned her with its blinding luminosity. Each brought with it a sense of unassailable loss, a great burden hurtling towards her, and she wished she could duck, lower herself so that it would bypass her, so that she could save herself. Love was a kind of grief. This was what the novelists by suffering. She had often thought it a little silly, the idea of suffering for love, but now she understood.
My annual Half Price Books warehouse sale haul!
Jimmy Eat World on the record player, lounging on the couch with a good book whiling away his lovely Saturday. I have a four day weekend, I'm planning to soak up every minute!
I plowed through this book over the weekend, I couldn't put it down! I'm stoked to see the movie, though I realize they may not have executed the plot as well as the book did.
This book was nothing like what I expected. Many times I don't read up on books too much before I crack them open because I don't want other people's opinion to color my own experience too heavily. I was intrigued at first but the plot then lost me and I couldn't relate to the main character in any way. Bummer of a book.
Sitting in the car at football practice before the game starts, hanging out with a sleeping toddler and trying to block out the harried nature that is a sports filled parking lot on a Saturday morning.
TFW you read the intro to the book and it dawns on you that this could have been your life which isn't at all what you were expecting when you had glossed over the book summary so you have to put it down before your tears erupt while in the waiting room at the holistic clinic. I am scared and excited to read this but I guarantee there will be tears and lots of internal processing on my part. Oy.
Sunday morning vibes. I feel like I read a ton slower than most on here, but I think it's the chaos that my middle of divorce living in limbo trying to find myself phase has me in. But, but! Some of those eggs came from my old chickens and I grew those beans on my apartment balcony (not my massive garden of old) and while I am in limbo and still living without a lot of things I love, I have this. And I will conquer.
I love being spirited away to places like Iceland in 1828 while on my lunch break in Minneapolis in 2016. I look up and see this though my mind is hundred of miles and years away.
"But it is later now, and I live in a world where the two truths coexist; where both hell and hope lie in the palm of my hand." A gut-wrenching read about the powers of perceptions and womanhood and surviving. The latter part of the book in dealing (or not dealing) with the aftermath is insightful for any trauma survivor. Sebold is one incredible woman.
"No one can pull anyone back from anywhere. You save yourself or you remain unsaved."
Diving in to this memoir tonight. Tough subject matter, but I can't read enough about strong women in their own words. Reminds me that I'm not alone in my own battles and that females are strong as hell.
"We are a culture of people who've bought into the idea that if we stay busy enough, the truth of our lives won't catch up with us." -Brene Brown
This book wrecked me, in the best way possible. As someone who has given up on love, this was a beautiful story with the kind of ending I can respect, not knight in shining armor-esque. Now to see the movie!
Halfway through and falling in love. Wish I hadn't been so late to the game with this one!
It was slow at first but I couldn't put it down for the last half. I wish Barry had woven some more of the intricacies into the earlier part of the book, but I also kind of enjoyed the pace as it made paralleled the pace of the main characters life.
I picked this book up last night and am having a hard time putting it down. Hooray for nap time!