Ummmm I LOVE this book!!! The characters are just so well written and I want to reread it already even though I just finished it.
Ummmm I LOVE this book!!! The characters are just so well written and I want to reread it already even though I just finished it.
I really didn‘t like this book at all yeesh. It was so weird and also very boring. There is an actual chapter dedicated to the characters turning into geese (yes, geese I‘m not joking) and fly to Antarctica. I usually finish books, but with this one I just couldn‘t.
I absolutely loved this book! At first I didn‘t like the main character Ruthie because I‘m not a fan of the overused brooding teenager stereotype, but she developed throughout the story and I ended up loving her. The story itself I didn‘t find too scary, which is good for me because I was reading this mostly at night 😂. If you‘re looking for a scary, mysterious book to read this one is definitely it!
Finished this book only 4 days ago and I‘m already re reading it! Nielsen writes so beautifully and I am looking forward to reading more of her books real soon. Also sorry about the bad picture 😂
Reading this book now, it was recommended by a friend. I didn‘t know if I was going to like it because I‘m not much of a fantasy person, but I absolutely love this book! The characters are loveable and it is narrated by the two main characters which I personally love. I would definitely reading this book if you like fantasy and action with romance on the side.
This book is amazing. The characters are really well developed and love able.