Completely unexpected, yet entirely enjoyable.
This was amazing. Funny. Heartbreaking. Depressing. Hopeful. Henry is so snarky and his emotions so raw, you can't help but love him.
Going to need to read a feel-good after this one.
That ending will torture me for the next year. I legit cannot deal.
It took me forever to read this book because I was so put off by the cover. I curse my snobbishness. I read the whole thing in a day. The rest of the trilogy is in the mail on its way to my grubby little claws.
It's nice to slow down and reread an old favorite. Bartimaeus, you ol' scamp. You remain to be one of my favorite characters.
I think it would've hurt less had the author taken a rusty dagger, slid it into my mess of a heart, and twisted.
I bought this because it takes place at MoA and I'm from Minnesota. I was very excited to get my hands on it. But I still don't understand how only New Yorkers' souls end up at MoA. The writing was too bubbly and I didn't care for any of the characters.
A half-Chinese, half-Irish bisexual MC who knows space junk and is undead? Yaaaaas.
Anyone who can unflinchingly cut out someone's eye and stuff a handkerchief in their socket is a winner with me. Kaz Brekker, so dreamy.
I just wanted to smack the MC and tell her to speak up. This was a very heartbreaking story about an all-too-common issue. Worth all the frustration.
Love the sand details at the beginning of every chapter and along the spine on each page.