My new favorite :) Is there a more universally true book/onesie?
My new favorite :) Is there a more universally true book/onesie?
Can't read enough of these novels right now. Fast, fun, well-written. Even works when read out of order -- Doh! 😃
Happy National Library Week! Thanks to all the librarians and libraries that help keep us curious. #libraryweek
For years, a work associate of my father gave special, limited-edition book sets as a thank you. This set has a custom book plate, jazz playlist on CD and foreword. I'm a sucker for this stuff. What a novel idea 📚💡
Really enjoying this so far. Great book to keep you up at night when your two-week old baby is keeping you up at night 🙃
"I became insane, with long intervals of horrible sanity." Happy birthday to the author who inspired the idea for www.outofprintclothing.com. It's been a wonderfully crazy seven years.
The race described in this book (the Barkley Marathon) is insane. I know only one person who will do this with me. What say you @jeff ?
Is there anything better than giving a book you enjoyed to a friend (in this case, my wife) and hearing that it has kept her up reading WAY past bedtime two nights in a row?
🤘Coming to a Book Riot Live Litsy meet-up / book swap near you (if you happen to be in NYC on Sunday 😉). See you there! #LitsyRiotLive 🤘
Taking two fragile things with me to the country this weekend.
Today's #allhallowsread post of a book with a Day of the Dead holiday in it. Not a major part of the book...but it qualifies. Just finished and I loved it. @Orbeck33 is now reading it, so we have something to talk about again 😚
Not sure if this was the first scary book I read, but it definitely has stayed with me. I believe I found it at a book fair at my elementary school. Loved those fairs. That cover! #allhallowsread
This book is bringing back loads of high school memories--like student smoking sections!!! It's been a while since I stepped into a HS, but I imagine these don't exist so much any more ;)
More Penguin Sci-Fi classics stacked in the fashion of something very familiar. Thx for all the great books @penguinrandomhouse
DUUUUUNNNNEEE, these are sweet. Just returned to the office after 4 wild days at NY Comic Con and found these waiting for me on my desk. Love the redesign. Can't wait to prominently add them to my bookshelf. @penguinusa
To paint the scene, I was caught in a downpour, pulling a dolly full of things needed to introduce Litsy to the great people of the NYC Comic Con next week. No umbrella. Six more blocks to go. Crossing 6th Ave and everything slips off the dolly and spills to the street. Terrible mess but drew my attention this little toy boat on a similarly perilous journey. Just a #bookbroughttolife moment that turned my day around.
A favorite book and cover and Rolling Stones song inspiration and t-shirt (https://www.outofprintclothing.com/products/master-and-margarita-mens-tee)...and it has an animal on the cover, so it works perfectly for today's #funfridayphoto
Nothing but the highest praise for this book. Wonderful message for young and old, and the art is soooo fun.
It's lunch but it's work-related. @jeff #underthelitfluence
Are we supposed to assume the $100K Art gives Ramos to bring in the Doctor is from the account Adan created for him? Or is it gov't funds?
Goodbye summer weekends. Sad to see you go, but at least I have these to look forward to!
#AugustPhotoChallenge - Alvin Lustig is one of my favorites when it comes to minimalistic cover design. #minimalisticcovers @TheSpinecrackersBookClub
Big 40 birthday book buy. Found for $1.50 at the Kent Public Library book sale. Full of notes. Not sure if this much marginalia is going to be like reading with someone else or really really annoying? Anyone else read a book with this much added ink by a complete stranger?
Yay to maps! Anyone else think that all books should start with a hand drawn map? #juststarted
#24im48 - finishing the Jane and Todd readathon with a beautiful-in-every-way book. We didn't come close to reading the full 24 hours, but we enjoyed feeling a part of a something bigger than our normal book routine. In total, we read 16 books paired with many sweet conversations and cuddles.
#24in48 - Jane and I believe that if audio books count, so should wearable books. Paired with fries, hot dog and chocolate milkshake.
#24in48 - The best part is getting to the end and finding a real library card. "OMG, that's sooo vintage!" Paired with three bowls of Cheerios and whole milk.
#24in48 - first book of day 2. "...because it was Christmas not that long ago," said Jane. Reason enough. Actually it's a good prequel. Paired with dried mango.
#24in48 - For books 7 and 8 (tagged book and "Not the Hippopotamus"), Jane refused having her picture taken. Too bad because it is bedtime, and not much is cuter than kids in PJs. THIS "Charlie" book....a long time fav of Jane's. I don't totally get it. The story is centered around a kid breaking his arm. Must be a developmental thing that is spot on for the toddler set. Pairing this book with cookies and cream was a solid choice.
#24in48 - Books 5 and 6. Probably the most violent book we'll read (or ever written), but Jane and I love it. Giraffes Can't Dance is a nice feel-good chaser. Paired with Cheetos (or as Jane calls them "Cheesy Noodles").
#24in48 - Books 5 and 6. Probably the most violent we'll read (or ever written), but Jane and I love it. Giraffes Can't Dance is a nice feel-good chaser. Paired with Cheetos (or as Jane calls them "Cheesy Noodles").
#24in48 - Our first book. A favorite of ours. We've read it about 332 times, and it never loses its appeal. Clever. Great words like "bicuspid" throughout. Mice out-foxing their predator. Awesome start to the readathon.
So it here begins, Jane's and my first readathon. Jane (3 years old) picked the books herself. We'll read together and review as many as we can. We'll make sure to mark our spoilers (good to teach the next generation about common decency), and we'll refrain from overusing "poop" and "pee", which happen to be among Jane's favorite topics these days. Oh yeah, buddy Miles may make a cameo appearance. #24in48
#funphotofriday - my fav. bookmark has been with me for almost 20 years. Found on one of my many visits to La Alhambra during my semester studying in Granada, Spain. @Liberty
Just started a book as fascinating as it is thrilling. Great summer read (whether you're at the beach or not). #recommendsday #thatsnotme
Thankfully there are people out there asking the questions that I want answered the most. #MaryRoachforPresident
A fascinating chapter on urethra reconstruction put me on a wrong train and now going to be 30 minutes late for work. #blameitonthebook.
The G.I. Joe obsessed kid and random-fact-hungry old man in me are equally excited to be starting this book. Thanks, Litsy for turning me on to this one. Thanks, Oblong Books in Millerton, NY for having a signed copy for me. #juststarted
"I'm stupid about executions." What an opening!
Doerr summed this book up in one line, "What the war did to dreamers." A beautifully tragic account of the impact of war. This book has it all. Loved the multiple storylines and references--especially the central part radio transceivers played. Fascinating book in many ways. Do read it!
I'm a callous reader, but the storyline of father and daughter fleeing a Paris under siege has me broken to bits and pieces.
Just hangin' backstage before the sold out Joe Hill event at The Strand. So excited to meet the man behind the books I love so much.
Don't know why I held out for so long? Hoping my reluctance pays off as well as it did for Cameron (if only I had an extremely rare sports car to destroy once I finish it).
A wickedly fun time. I enjoyed "Cloud Atlas" but I LOVED "Slade House." As inventive as "Atlas" with a storyline that rocked and shocked my world. Do yourself a favor, find a cozy lacuna and curl up with this book. The joy it brings will sustain you for exactly nine years. ?
So true. Have always felt my name just blends in the crowd. Not many famous Todds in the world. Actually, can't think of any outside of Ned Flanders' son in "The Simpsons."
The last No Tokens introduced me to one of my favorite books read last year ("Battleborn" by Claire Watkins). I am very excited to see Issue #5 arrive. Love the throwback postal motif. ??????
My scariest nightmares made into a book. Thanks, Mr. Mitchell.