Road trip return reading
Hotel reading, can't sleep until I read no matter if I'm home or away.
Hotel reading, can't sleep until I read no matter if I'm home or away.
True Americans. That's horseshit of the highest order, and I can't stand it. Sixty years ago they were willing to fight a war to keep from being Americans. Besides, *American* ought to be a good thing, the kind of thing that brings everybody together instead of deciding who's good enough to be one and who isn't.
"It's just another arm of the Klan, is all. No business mixing God and politics, much less God, politics, and hearts full of nothing but hate and fear. I don't want to know what kind of god thinks those fools are worshipping him, when that's all they've got to offer. Hate and fear."
I started this book, then didn't stop until I was done. I haven't had an all night read in eons. Not that there were cliffhangers that kept me going, it's just that I couldn't put down the story. Highly recommend.
I'm reading before the Hulu series, I want to like this, it's thought provoking, but the style of writing isn't my thing. Still I march on.