Every person that is suffering with any anxiety problems should definitely read this book. Honestly, all people should read this book. Absolutely amazing and full of hope.
Well done Matt Haig!
Every person that is suffering with any anxiety problems should definitely read this book. Honestly, all people should read this book. Absolutely amazing and full of hope.
Well done Matt Haig!
This book got me so many different emotions and feelings from the beginning till the end. Patricia Posner gives the reader a detailed vision about other parts in the Auschwitz camp and Hitler's terror. Her writing is amazing and most of the times it feels you can also feel her revolting feelings as well. This book is a punch in the stomach that we all should feel, so the terrors of the Holocaust, may never be forgotten or repeated!
In a very smart way, Frankl as the ability to transmit to the reader the horrors that hundreds of people suffer inside the concentration camps. He also gives us a super detailed description about the suffer phases that each person crosses.
I don't think that none of us as the vivid idea of how lucky we are to not have lived those horrors.
God bless each and every soul that got her life interrupted by the holocaust. May we never forget!
Nice book, good writing and easy to read. However doesn't bring anything new. More of the same.
Simple, yet so complex. The human being is truthfully a very peculiar creature, we have so many information and advanced technology, medicine, economy, etc and yet we are always tending to be more and more unhappy, unsatisfied and selfish.
Amazing book for those (just like me) that need an extremely hit on your head to wake up!
Great book. In short pages, professor Hawking talks about his life in a humble way, typical of him. There is no need for long biography books full of expensive words and presumption, sometimes you only need to tell what worth to tell. By the end of the book you realize that when the human really wants, he can make extraordinary things...even full the odds! You are miss Mr. Hawking.
Im a true "potterhead", i grew up with the magical world of Harry Potter and even today i cant and i wont lose this feeling. So when this book poped to my hand, of course i have to read it...and how disappointed i am. Looks like "Harry Potter for dummies". The author talks about some experiences related to the book lessons, but the whole book what she did is to quote the books on and on. Even the language is boring. Dont like it at all...sorry
This is the first time I read something from Mark Manson. I bought his book, cause honestly the cover got my attention...so I pick the book in the bookshop, turn the first page to see what's all about, and suddenly I couldn't stop reading. Manson, thank you for every word and every page. I tough that I had a reasonable vision of life, but after I read this book, I understand how wrong I was. So simple, so uncomplicated and so brilliant! Bravo!
In general this is a really good book. But I think that before I read it, I saw some pretty good critics...and maybe my expectations were too high.
Honestly I didn't enjoy the first parts of the book, maybe because im from the history area and I already study a good portion of the facts that he report on the book, so I didn't read anything new. But the last part of the book about the recent society is outstanding!
Amazing book for those who want do discover and understand were the planet came from, and how the universe was created and how he works.
Hawking makes a "bridge" from is theories to another famous ones, like theories from Einstein, Newton or Galileo. It also presents theories from other famous scientists. Although professor Hawking as a great sense of humor and a good way to explain things, sometimes the book gets too technical.
Malala is the proof that your inner power is not on your social position, your money, or even your religion. Your power is inside you! Never give up!
Amazing book!!! Such a life example, such strong and power!
A very good book to start living the life you love and dream.