This was an amazing read! A perfect pick for the historical fiction lover. I have Nothing negative to say about this novel. 5 🌟 all the way. Beautiful writing, charming characters and a fantastic story line.
This was an amazing read! A perfect pick for the historical fiction lover. I have Nothing negative to say about this novel. 5 🌟 all the way. Beautiful writing, charming characters and a fantastic story line.
This was such a good read! Amazing writing and great characters. I don't read a lot of women's fiction. When I really love a book in this category then I know it's a very special book. This is a great spring read and I highly recommend it to everyone! I can't wait for the follow ups in this series.
I love Lisa Unger and this newest stand alone novel from her did not disappoint. It is a fast read told from multiple perspectives. It's a completely plot driven novel that starts off quickly and keeps the tension to the end. My only negative comments are that, though there are a few twists, how this book ends (the who dunnit) was not a surprise. The end also got me. It was too neatly wrapped as a happy ever after. I like messy endings.
I can see how people would like this one. The writing is good. But it totally wasn't for me. This is billed at a mystery with some romance. This is a full out romance novel with a super natural time travel plot. I don't do romance. At. All. There is zero mystery to this one. I'd say pass unless what you're in to is total romance chick lit.
Sadly, not my favorite. I just didn't connect with the characters or the writing. With so many good reviews I had high hopes but was just all round disappointed.
Hmmm. I really wanted to like this one. I wanted to walk away having broadened my horizons to new culture and authors. For me, this was a slow read. The characters needed some polish and depth. The story was a little disjointed. The author keeps pushing us around the timeline and its hard to keep track. Overall it was okay. Nothing about it was bad however, nothing about it was wonderful.
Starting this that came in from Penguin Random House. Check out that bookmark! Love it.
This book was interesting to me. I felt it read like a journal. The stories jumped around but not distractingly so. It's Lucy's story in her words but the real story seems to be what she can't say. There lies the truth and the grit. There is a quote in the book "we all have one story" I think thats a way of saying we all have our own truth. The irony is that Lucy is telling us A story but it's still not HER story. Her story, her truth remains.
I read this months ago and still can't decide it I likes this book. I think it's very character driven vs. plot driven. Some twists but not too many, you can figure out the who done it pretty easily though the author does a good job of trying to throw you off. I'm sure some will be shocked. This was just okay for me. I can't really decide what about it throws me off.
I cannot explain my love for this book. Just read it!
Amazing writing, amazing characters, amazing storyline!
Loved. Great writing style. Characters are not likeable really but are very real! This is an emotionally charged novel. Not for everyone as the subject matter is a bit rough. But if you aren't bothered by that then this is an excellent read.
Lots of people love this one but I was not one of them. Just too much going on that was not essential to the story, it only made it confusing. No character development, so so writing. Just meh for me.
Pick for sure! Great story with excellent writing! The imagery is beautiful throughout. Heart wrenching and sad but also moving and beautiful. The boundless love of family and friendship.
This story was good, the writing was good. Character development was a little lacking. You might or might not figure out the who done it part early on. I'm on the fence with this one for 3 or 4 stars. We'll call it 3.5.
This was really amazing! Follow a Polish family through the heart of WW2. Sweet and heartbreaking this is a story that will stay with you.
I really liked this one. The writing is really great. The character development is awesome. I have a hard time deciding if I recommend this one though because the subject matter is rough. It's certainly not for everyone but if this sort of thing doesn't make you squish, then this is an amazing read. Go for it!