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Inspirational pages. Drawings based on real life. Great coloring book!
Loves: characters, audio narration, THAT ENDING. Did not love as much: plot, which I couldn't find sometimes, writing. Not sure if I'd recommend it to Non-Shadowhunters. But if you are already a fan of this world, check it out.
Slow for the first 100 pages. But definitely picks up in the second half. Great start for a #debut author.
Meh. I just didn't care for this one. Hopefully, it's me, and not the book.
I didn't hate it. But I also didn't love it. Loads of world building. And I did appreciate the nod to the Roman Gods. I couldn't help but empathize with Darrow. If you found Hunger Games violent, this is 10x more so.
Good. Overly-optimism. I do wonder if such an optimistic outlook is real for most teenagers. The audio was what really sold this book for me.
Good but not great New Adult Contemporary Romance. I enjoyed the switch to Can'd point of view. Great companion piece to Wait for You.
I love these books. And the audio narration is amazing. Murder. Grave robbing. And more flirting by Gage. Plus we get to meet more of Kiera's family. Definitely check out this series.
Adrian is back in full form. And I'm anxious for Sydney to figure out what she wants in life and to go for it. But that last chapter was a doozy.
A great second book in the series. It bridges the original and makes me WANT to read the next. Though, maybe skip the audio. It wasn't so great.
A great second book in the series. It bridges the original and makes me WANT to read the next. Though, maybe skip the audio. It wasn't so great.
Not enough Evan Walker in this book! Bit truthfully, the plotting is amazing. The audio narration, not so much. Maybe stick with reading this one.
Not enough Evan Walker! But truthfully, the plotting of those book is amazing. The audio narration, not so much. Maybe stick with reading this one.
Not enough Evan Walker! But truthfully, the plotting of those book is amazing. The audio narration, not so much. Maybe stick with reading this one.
Not enough Evan Walker! But truthfully, the plotting of those book is amazing. The audio narration, not so much. Maybe stick with reading this one.
Come for the suspense. Stay for the romance. An overall enjoyable read.
Started strong. Lagged on the middle. Rebounded at the end. I liked Pirate the talking dog the best out of all the characters. Which I'm guessing wasn't the intention.
This was just meh for me. Not enough romance. Not enough suspense. The last 15% was about all I enjoyed.
It took a circuitous route, but in the end, I really liked this book. The weaving together of the different story lines by the end was very impressive. Plus hot British guy.
This was a great introduction to graphic novels. The panels were easy to follow. There was humor and emotion.
This was a great short story. Rainbow Rowell excels at sharing the hardship of being a nerd. But then the glory of finding like souls. And there is nothing like falling in love over Star Wars. And peeing in a cup behind a dumpster!
(Ugh. They weren't a line. They were just three cold nerds.) (They were three suckers who showed up for a party that didn't exist.) (They were statistically insignificant!)
Loved. Loved. Loved. Read if you are interested in fairy tale retell ha, fantasy, Fae, and finally figuring out how to love, and be loved.
"Don't feel bad for one moment about doing what brings you you." I might be a bit in love with Tamlin.
Janet Evanovich books are like cake. You don't NEED them. But they sure make living a lot more pleasant. More flirting between Nick and Kate. Jet-setting to casinos. And some landmines. To stop the coyotes of course!
I loved everything about this. The premise. The format. The characters. Overall great book!
I read the non-explicit version. And thankfully so. This book is about cheating while your boyfriend is out of town with his best friend. If that doesn't bother you, go ahead and read it. If it does, don't bother. Pretty typical YA contemporary romance.
The plot was kind of obvious. And Sydney is kind of oblivious. But Adrian is back in full form, hilarious and flirty. Plus extra points for Dimitri being in the book!
Winter Sea is two books in one. Well written. Clever interconnections between the modern and historic story lines. Relatable female character. Multiple dreamy make characters. Anyone who enjoyed Outlander should check this out.
Great read. Serious Sci Fi. Emphasis on the Sci. Empathetic characters. I can easily imagine looking out of the Windows of the Richard M. Nixon and enjoying my view of Saturn.
Well written. Witty. Poignant. Don't be put off by the blurb. Just read it.
Times are simpler when no one hates you because of your name and it doesn't occur to you to be ashamed of it.