Always Be Curious
One is one and everyone. One earth. One world. One family. #ReadersUnite
I find them each day in surprising new places: in the soft falling rain, in the smiles on faces, in the sun as it sets when the long day is done, in the waves as they roll on the sea on and on. Sometimes wry briefly, I catch just a glance in the hills' The quiet stillness, in a storm's dark advance. #ReadersUnite
"What about me? I am spiky. No one ever hits me." / They are missing out. #ReadersUnite
The only darkness we should allow into our lives is the night, for even then, we have the moon. #ReadersUnite
Anything that leaves her mouth sounds like sex. / Our mother has banned her from saying God's name. #ReadersUnite
But God, / doesn't she wear / the world well? #ReadersUnite
In Love and In War // To my daughter I will say, / 'when the men come, set yourself on fire'. #ReadersUnite
Thoughts on Pizza would also be good food combos for salads.
"You're going to fire everyone's fight, aren't you?"
"It's all the same fight, Mama," I tell her.
I have a special fascination for the intersection of knitting and photography. For while knitting has been around for centuries, it is only in the last 150 years that we have been able to actually photograph someone--a mother, daughter, sister, brother, father, son, or friend--in the meditative act of knitting.
[W]hat both parties need to understand is that economic issues are moral issues. Poverty is a moral issue. 47 million Americans without health insurance is a moral issue. [...] If you're going to be pro-life, you've got to be pro-environment and pro-economic justice.
Smiles, at least in human society, are gestures of submission, and routinely demanded of women as a time of subordinate status.
If someone breaks into my property for the purpose of trashing and looting, I would be hell bent on restitution. But if they break in for the purpose of cleaning it -- scrubbing the bathroom, mowing the lawn -- then, in my way of thinking anyway, the debt goes in the other direction. #ReadersUnite
The punitive rage directed at illegal immigrants grows out of a larger blindness to the manual labor that makes our lives possible, the touching belief in the class occupied by Rush Limbaugh, among many others, that offices clean themselves at night and salad greens spring straight from the soil o to ones plate. #ReadersUnite
There is no moral justification for a minimum wage lower than a living wage. And given the experience of the 29 states that have raised their minimum wages, there isn't even an amoral economic justification either. #ReadersUnite
We wish with our hands. That's what we do as artists. [...] Is there something you need in the world that only your two hands can create?
I've only just begun, but I'm already in love with Noah, and the way he sees the world.
Secrets, he had learned, were the very soil that sorrows grew most easily out of.
Drinking a Sherman Ice Cream Float is the perfect way to stay cool on this hot summer day.
We're used to thinking of information as something that drifts through the air invisibly all around us. But in an age before satellite telecommunications, complex information could not simply shoot across the globe through the ether. Information was earthbound and had a solid physical form.
[Dmitri Shostakovich] was fond of saying, "There is only good vodka, or very good vodka. There is no such thing as bad vodka."
Oh, how I love narrative nonfiction. And audiobooks read by the author. Having been to Russia in college, I'm drawn to stories of this place. Hooked immediately.