Pretty excited about today‘s haul. Especially the book about Frances Glessner Lee and her tiny crime scenes which I saw in real life on display in DC.
Pretty excited about today‘s haul. Especially the book about Frances Glessner Lee and her tiny crime scenes which I saw in real life on display in DC.
Got a new book todaaaaay!
First time I‘ve visited a used bookstore in months. I kept my cool and came out with only two. This never happens, but I think I‘ll recover.
Couldn‘t wait to get off work and get the newest Stephanie Plum novel today. Love this series!
Had a seriously good time today at the National Book Festival in DC. Got to meet V. E. Schwab, David Grann, Joshua Hammer, and David Quammen. My feet are killing me but it was 100% worth it. Plus picking up some super cute book totes and a Bibliophile pin.
You find all kinds of treasures when you set up for the library used book sale.
This book series is a great read so far, but it gives me anxiety! Had to retire to the beanbag with my reading assistant so I could finish the book in comfort.
“I always imagined that Paradise will be a kind of library.” I can attest to that. #mybookroom