Diving deeper into Anne Bogel's (Modern Mrs Darcy) galley of her new book READING PEOPLE: HOW SEEING THE WORLD THROUGH THE LENSE OF PERSONALITY CHANGES EVERYTHING. I'm learning so much!! Due out 9/16/17 ❤️ #24in48 #ReadingPeopleBook
Diving deeper into Anne Bogel's (Modern Mrs Darcy) galley of her new book READING PEOPLE: HOW SEEING THE WORLD THROUGH THE LENSE OF PERSONALITY CHANGES EVERYTHING. I'm learning so much!! Due out 9/16/17 ❤️ #24in48 #ReadingPeopleBook
Roped my son into participating in #24in48 this weekend with this fantastic pop-up book. He and I both are enthralled with all of David A. Carter's bug books. They might be the cutest bugs on earth. Literary bugs!!!
#24in48 Off to a slow start for the readathon -- this girl is tired! This will definitely be a marathon rather than a sprint!
Loving this series. I've never read so many almost-swear-words in my life. Poor, angry girl/woman... stuck forever in Fairyland.
Day 3 of #RiotGrams is How I Read. This is my most favorite reading chair. Good light options. I can recline. The window is there to open. Close to my books. Plus my coffee is always reachable!
Day 2 of #RiotGrams challenge: Yellow Books! It was fun plucking them off the shelves.
Can't wait to dive into A Bollywood Affair, which takes place in the town where I went to grad school as well as places I visited in India last year!
Can't put it down to do what I need to do...
I've had trouble walking away from this since I started it at 3:00 am...
It's completely impossible to not become alarmed while reading this book... In the best way possible. I had to make the hard choice to go to bed last night!
Finally getting the chance to read Good As Gone over winter break. I wish my kiddos were not sick so I could stay up late to finish it!!!
Right now, I wish that this either wasn't so compelling or that I didn't have a job and some kids to tend to...
I love wrapping up summer with a good summer camp story.
Settling into a great weekend of camping with this new arrival in the mail.
Getting ready to embrace the cooler weather.