So far a gorgeous book, a wonderful retelling of Circe from the Odyssey. Reading each word is like a lyrical journey through mythology, humanizing Circe and enchanting her all the same. Cannot wait to finish.
Loved it. I'm a sucker for thrillers and this gripped me from the very beginning. Reminded me a bit of "Top of the Lake" meets Tana French. Still guessed the murderer wrong. (I'll guess right, someday.)
An enjoyable and quick read with an interesting concept. Reminded me, in a weird way, of Joe Hill's THE FIREMAN.
"i was so woried about wat i woud become in the future that i didnt realize i can be anything i want to be right now"
I do love Rob Lowe, and I needed something to listen to while I foam roll this tricky calf, so.
People get hung up on the facts or the lack of historical knowledge Shin has. But the fact of the matter is, Shin's journey and experience escaping the NK labor camps is nothing short of horrifying and inspiring.
Obviously biased and not entirely factually accurate, but a poignant and funny account of living in NK, and an enjoyable read everyone should check out.
“This is not the sort of thing that shows up in satellite photographs. Whether in CIA headquarters in Langley, Virginia, or in the East Asian studies department of a university, people usually analyze North Korea from afar. They don‘t stop to think that in the middle of this black hole, in this bleak, dark country where millions have died of starvation, there is also love.”
Urban fantasy is one of my favorite genres. When I heard Chelsea was writing a book, I KNEW I had to check it out. 💖❤️ Can't wait to dive in!
It's a fast-paced extremely dramatic thriller full of neverending nefarious plots that took my attention for a few hours, and left me rooting for no one (except the kidnapped baby OBVI). For a quick Tuesday-night read, I could ask for nothing more.
Loved, loved this. Just a great feel-good read, with a believable and exciting MMF relationship, good suspense, with the nice fantasy of "what if our loved ones could just accept our romantic and sexual preferences with no judgment." Would definitely recommend to anyone looking for kink-lite, MMF romance with a believable and relatable female protagonist.
When you realize book club is in a WEEK and gotta start OOPS
Ignore the fact that I'm dressed like the Hamburglar. Excited to start this. 🌶🐺❤️
💚 the show so I'm gonna guess that I'll love this as well
I've read romance novels with lots of different backgrounds, but never one involving the economics of trade and the drama of currency inflation, but also a girl with 🐺 ears and tail, and one of the most adorable slow burn couples I've come across. A+ read.
"All men burn with foolish jealousy...but women are fools to take delight in it. This world is full of fools no matter where you look."
Changing courses with this snow day read, since everyone keeps saying I'll ❤️ it.
"Choose my aim, take one step and then the next. It had never been anything else."
It took an eon to finish reading this because I kept misplacing it, but I really ended up loving it, (despite complaining about how Seivarden was a frustrating buttplug). Made me think about AI, humanity, and the nature of feeling. (Not sure if that was the intent, but there you are.)
From the copy, I expected a slightly philosophical view of running and exercise on mental health. I didn't expect it to be one of the most inspiring books I've read about the holy trinity of running, recovery, and redemption.
"If something was within reach, reach for it. Or else, what was the point? That was who I was now."
Didn't usurp "Running Ransom Road" for me, but still was a great memoir about adventure and transcending limits, and reminded me that it's okay to just take what you need, and dump the rest.
A confronting and engaging biography that also gives a stark account of what it was like in Saddam's Iraq. Highly recommend.
"One run at a time."
Errybody yelling at me for not starting this yet so FIIINE
“Her lips were colored like bruises, a red so dark and deep that it touched into purple.
Althea had known women like this woman before. This was the kind of woman who preferred the company of men to the comfortable logic of Althea‘s machines, who looked at Althea with her awkwardness and her impatience and her wiry tangled hair and smirked among others like herself behind their hands.”
Tozer's memoir reads like a casual chat about her journey out of addiction while being painstakingly honest about sobriety, self-esteem (or lack thereof) and gratitude. Could not stop giggling throughout. ❤️
I do love a good mystery. And YA. Intrigued to check this one out!
Didn't hit me in the gut as much as BLACKOUT, but I couldn't help but be moved by Glennon's battle with addiction, her struggle with intimacy, and her discovery of femininity. Inspiring and lyrical read.
Fucking LOVED this book. Really great depiction of the healing ecstasy of laughter in recovery.
"[He] said something about the secret of his success: 'Get yourself in a situation where you have no choice.' And that's what I'm doing, because I had no choice."
"They were philosophers; they put two and two together and got a goldfish."
"Your science can save a man's life, but imagination makes it worth living."
THE IRON DUKE was one of my favorite romances. Excited to start this gem! ❤️💖