Great book! I loved seeing Tobias's perspecitive on life.
Great book! I loved seeing Tobias's perspecitive on life.
😆Sailor Moon is my heart and my soul. This was the first manga I have ever read, and I love it from the bottom of my heart. My favorite senshi/guardians are Sailors Jupiter 🌷 ⚡, Saturn 🌟 💀 & Neptune 🌊 🎨 if you want to know. I have read this manga at least 10 times, I adore it sooo much 😍!!!
10/10!!!! Please go read this series and watch the animes!
*deep breath in*
I mean, I enjoyed this book, but it was pretty slow-paced, and not really my style. I did like it though, not as a trilogy conclusion for DIvergent, but maybe as like the third book of a longer-running series, if you know what I mean. I was so sad that Ronnie “killed off“ Uriah, Tris, and Tori...but YEET I have to LIVE WITH IT---
Rating: 5/10
I can't wait to read Shatter Me! I know I'm SUPER late to the party...but I heard Imagine Me (Book 6) was coming out and decided I would read the series after I finished Divergent. I around 40% of the way is done with Four: A Divergent Collection, so I ordered Shatter Me, and it is coming on Friday! I'm so excited to read this book! Please tell me what you thought of this series! :D
“The truth is too powerful to remain caged“
This was a pretty good book. I'd rate it a 6-7/10, only because it was somewhat slower-paced, and I'm not really one for slow-paced books. :D I did really enjoy this, though!
This book was a fast-paced, thrilling read! I loved this book, and I think it's the best book in the trilogy. It's pretty violent and has some romance. :) I recommend this book-I'd give it an 8/10.