My heads not in a good place at the moment so am trying to read more, life can be so difficult at times. This book looks good let‘s go
My heads not in a good place at the moment so am trying to read more, life can be so difficult at times. This book looks good let‘s go
Only started this book today and I can‘t put it down.
Long day at work, this will help me to unwind...few pages in looks like it‘s going to be good...
So I‘ve just finished this book. Usually it takes me days to finish a good book but this book was a drag there wasn‘t any characters that I enjoyed I found the characters the same as other characters in martina‘s books. #martinacole #london #samesey #nothrill
Time for some late night reading. All prepared for my new job starting tomorrow. #eveningread #relax #newbeginnings #adventure #happy
This book was such a good read, it took me a few chapters to get into it as there are quite a few characters but Once I got into it, I couldn‘t put it down! The main character Rob Grace is great, I hope there is a second part to the book as I need to find out what happened to Sandy! #detective #thriller
Time to continue reading...I am loving this book so far. I am thinking there‘s a personality disorder maybe with the killer and it‘s bishop doing the murders? Ohhh I don‘t know....but I can‘t wait to find out.
I could never understand why I lost memory‘s when my grandad died, I tried to do everything in my power to bring them back. Grief and shock are a horrible thing. Maybe I will find the memory‘s again one day. #love #grandad #death #heartbreak
A little afternoon reading. I have been trying to have more me time. I have always found reading good for the soul and gives me time to switch off from real life. I have not even even reached half way through this week and I am already hooked. Peter really puts emphasis on the characters and their unique personality‘s. I feel like there is going to be a massive twist with Sandy...I can‘t wait to find out more! #Thriller #killer #coldblood