Excited to start this one!
Very interesting read. My TBR list continues to grow.
Just finished and really enjoyed this read. Will be picking up the next one in this series.
Currently reading. Love getting new recommendations.
Currently working my way through this. The first half had my attention but I‘m struggling now.
Finished “The Obelisk Gate” by N.K. Jemisin. I really enjoyed it and thought about starting “The Stone Sky” but needed a break. So what do I do? I start this 731 page novel.
Finally finished Sleeping Beauties by Stephen and Owen King and have moved onto The Obelisk Gate. Finding it hard to remember everything from The Fifth Season. I guess I should have gone back and done a reread.
Just picked up this book. Hoping it‘s good.
Slowly working my way through my pile of books. This one is taking me a bit longer than I had thought it would.
Enjoyed this one. This is the second book I've read by her and most likely won't be the last.
Couldn't help myself and added even more books to my TBR list.
Just started today after being on my TBR pile for a very long time.