#bluemonday reading to brighten my day ❄️📖❄️
"You can't join the Matheletes! It's social suicide!" The Prime of Miss Jean Brodie = the original Scottish Mean Girls?
Page 2 and I already love the next Wells and Wong Mystery! 👒🚂🔦🔍
My favourite thing from Christmas 😊 In the year I turn 'seven and twenty' I'm going to re read Persuasion from this beautiful folio edition.
Gave in and bought the HB and really glad I did. Reading it and you can feel the sun on your face and taste the salt water on your lips.
An absorbing read. I love Becky Chambers' way of writing so much that I finished this in a just couple of days. Not as plot heavy and quite a different format from Long Way To A Small Angry Planet but still highly recommended.
Well with a proof cover like this how could I not try it?
Been meaning to add this to my 'to-read' pile for so long! This why I love #rediscoveredclassics (that, and because the covers are always so good!)
First person to review on good reads! This has never happened before no matter how new the proof! Well, what an amazing read - had me with my nose in it my entire commute - didn't even put it down for platform changes.
Next super pretty book selected from the to-read pile #bookcoverlove #amreading
"Another, more violent shudder ran through my body. A single crystal fell from the cave ceiling high above, and shattered between us.
We locked eyes for a moment.
Then the world caved in."