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The Girl of Ink & Stars
The Girl of Ink & Stars | Kiran Millwood Hargrave
When Isabella's friend disappears, she volunteers to guide the search party. As a mapmaker's daughter, she's equipped with elaborate ink maps and knowledge of the stars, eager to navigate the island's forgotten heart. But beneath the mountains a legendary fire demon awakens, and her journey is fraught with danger ...
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Girl of Ink & Stars | Kiran Millwood Hargrave
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What a beautiful book! Another one for work - and I had forgotten how good children‘s books can be. Read in an afternoon, and what an incredibly journey I have had with Isa!

AllDebooks I've had this sitting on my Kindle app forever and always forget about it 😅 10mo
SaltyMac @AllDebooks me too! But I needed to choose one book per half term for work, and so I read it and loved it! I‘ve got 4 more to read this week before term starts! 10mo
AllDebooks @SaltyMac good luck x 😅 10mo
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The Girl of Ink & Stars | Kiran Millwood Hargrave
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The first book I thought of for #Enchanting was this one.
Beautiful cover, a map, mythology, adventure… it‘s a great YA read!

#OminousOctober #Scarathlon2022 #TeamMonsterMash

Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks Beautiful 💫📚 2y
Eggs On my shelf!! 2y
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The Girl of Ink & Stars | Kiran Millwood Hargrave
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This was a beautiful little story of friendship and resilience, and my only regret is that I didn't read it back when I first bought it as a teen.

I loved how the world of the story was so similar and yet so distinctly different from this reality. Isabella was such a brilliant, strong and yet totally relatable character.

I don't want to give too much away, but I recommend this book to, well, anyone who needs a little simple, beautiful adventure.

TCLinrow One last read to go to complete this challenge - which took a lit longer than I originally intended! #TBRChallenge #LeastRated #ABookThats 4y
Freespirit Lovely review💕 4y
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The Girl of Ink and Stars | Kiran Millwood Hargrave
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I'm absolutely in love with these page illustrations 🧡🖤💙... I think I'm spending as much time staring at them as I am reading the book! 😅😂🤣

The Girl of Ink and Stars | Kiran Millwood Hargrave
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Day 3 of #BiblioMAYnia #EndPages

The first end pages that sprung to mind were these maps from The Girl of Ink and Stars.

@Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks @OriginalCyn620

Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks Love it 🧡🧡 4y
OriginalCyn620 Nice! 👌🏻 4y
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The Girl of Ink & Stars | Kiran Millwood Hargrave
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A delightful, magical middle grade book about a young girl who must unlock the secrets of an old map if she is to save herself and the island where she lives when an ancient evil awakens. It‘s a story of friendship, adventure, sacrifice, & the magic, wonder & danger in the world around us. Plus, maps! This is Hargrave‘s debut & her talent as a writer, on full display in the much heralded The Mercies, is already apparent. An enjoyable read.❤️🏝🗺❤️

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The Girl of Ink & Stars | Kiran Millwood Hargrave
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Originally published as The Cartographer‘s Daughter, Hargrave‘s debut was a middle grade book described as “reminiscent of Philip Pullman and Neil Gaiman.” When her best friend goes missing, Isabella, with the aid of an old map & her knowledge of the stars, joins the search party and discovers there‘s more going on than anyone realizes. So, having read & loved The Mercies, I decided to read more Hargrave. Gorgeous cover on this book. Now reading.

The Girl of Ink and Stars | Kiran Millwood Hargrave
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I had heard a great interview with the author about this book so had it on my TBR. I listened to it on audio and it was pretty exciting, the narration was good and I was certainly interested enough to keep going and finish it pretty quickly. a story of 2 brave young girls on an adventure to save their island. Lots of magic and fantasy. ⭐️⭐️⭐️💫

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The Girl of Ink and Stars | Kiran Millwood Hargrave
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#UnderneathTheStars #AyUpAugust
Found on Goodreads. What a pretty cover.
@squirrelbrain @Cinfhen

suvata It is a beautiful cover. I hope it‘s a good book. 5y
TrishB I brought this one for the cover 😁 it‘s very YA but still a nice story. 5y
squirrelbrain It is a gorgeous cover, isn‘t it?! ❤️ 5y
Cinfhen I get & agree with the #CoverCrush 😍 5y
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The Cartographer's Daughter | Kiran Millwood Hargrave
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This wasn‘t as life changing as the hype led me to believe it would be. I thought it was rather ambitious and did not quite manage to do everything it sought to. However, it is a solid read and I enjoyed it.


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The Girl of Ink & Stars | Kiran Millwood Hargrave

What an interesting little book. It seems written for younger readers, but honestly I‘m not sure if they would be into it. Not enough world-building for me, and just glimpses of the history that plays out again. I wanted more.

The Girl of Ink and Stars | Kiran Millwood Hargrave
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The book itself didn't really capture me like the title and cover did.

The Girl of Ink & Stars | Kiran Millwood Hargrave
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Elements of mythology mixed with a fairytale style of writing.

The prose is beautiful and the story moves at a fast pace. I liked the characters and the pages are gorgeous. 💕

Most of the story feels very similar to the plot of Moana so I might be predisposed to having a soft spot for it!

Nikki15 Ah I love Moana too 💕 6y
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The Girl of Ink & Stars | Kiran Millwood Hargrave
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This book is sooooo pretty 😍

#BookMaps #Watermarks

ValPenny It is pretty - it is good? 6y
Bookworm54 @ValPenny if you like YA. I really enjoyed it :) finished in one day ☺️ 6y
ValPenny Wow - that's a great endorsement! 6y
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The Girl of Ink and Stars | Kiran Millwood Hargrave

Good story but the ending felt really rushed which was a disappointment.

The Girl of Ink and Stars | Kiran Millwood Hargrave
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First #readathon book done! I found it tough to get into because the audiobook narrator's voice was hard to concentrate on. I think I would have read the print version more quickly! It's an adventure story - Isabella, a courageous cartographer's daughter, goes on a quest to save her best friend, the evil governor's only child, after one of their schoolmates is found dead. It's both cute and dark, an odd combo but it works. #MG #middlegrade #UKMG

The Girl of Ink & Stars | Kiran Millwood Hargrave
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I've been so busy reading this #readathon I forgot to update Litsy! I began by listening to this while doing some mending, I'm now 3 hrs 31 mins in and I expect I'll finish it while hanging out laundry and getting ready for bed! I started this weeks ago so it'll be good to get it finished. #MG #middlegrade #UKMG

The Girl of Ink & Stars | Kiran Millwood Hargrave

Nice, cute book.

The Girl of Ink and Stars | Kiran Millwood Hargrave
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It kept me reading to the end!
I enjoyed the theme, the maps, the setting.
The cover and artwork in the print book are just lovely!
I kept losing the trail of the plot or missing key things. Not sure if it was the audio or the writing (or just me!)

TrishB I just felt too old for it! 7y
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The Girl of Ink & Stars | Kiran Millwood Hargrave
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Beautifully written with intricate myths and stories throughout. Good for YA audiences.

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The Girl of Ink & Stars | Kiran Millwood Hargrave
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"Each of us carries the map of our lives on our skin, in the way we walk, even in the way we grow." #beautifulbooks

minkyb ❣️❣️❣️ 7y
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The Girl of Ink and Stars | Kiran Millwood Hargrave
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I took this book on holiday with me, and it was a fairly good holiday read. However, from the beginning, I found the plot quite complex to follow due to the strange names and strange customs of where the book is set. It was a lovely concept and idea - and I adored the cartography theme but if I'm honey it was slightly hard to work out what was going on at all times, but overall, a decent first novel :)

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The Girl of Ink and Stars | Kiran Millwood Hargrave
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I was nominated by @LectricSheep to make an #orange pile for #bookcolortag. As I am at work and away from my shelves, I am reusing a pic from a year ago. Give me warning next time for something fresh!
I love color challenges 🌈
I nominate @Jess_Read_This @Kalalalatja @Soubhiville @aeeklund and @ScorpioBookDreams for something RED. 💋👹💃🏻⛑👠🍄

LectricSheep Of course you have a beautiful photo of a gigantic stack of orange books at the ready. I'll have to come up with a trickier color next time! 🌈 7y
elkeOriginal @LectricSheep Challenge accepted! Just give me warning and a sunny day at home 😘 Orange is actually tough - that is why I remember making this stack! (edited) 7y
Kalalalatja Oh fun! I will try to make a big, red stack tomorrow when I have some daylight to help me 🌞 7y
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Moray_Reads Amazing! 7y
Wife Beautiful! My favorite color!🍊 7y
Jess_Read_This Can we do tag backs?! 🤔😂 7y
elkeOriginal Only if I can do it on Saturday! 7y
aeeklund Trying to decide if I'm going to raid the work shelves or wait until I get home... 😏 7y
elkeOriginal @aeeklund All of the above! Well, not if work will get annoyed at you... 7y
Avanders Nicely done! 7y
LeahBergen Your orange stack is much nicer than mine! 😆 7y
elkeOriginal @LeahBergen Nope. I like yours. 🦊🍊 7y
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The Girl of Ink and Stars | Kiran Millwood Hargrave
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It's so easy to mix a stack of various spine fonts from the vast TBR shelves 📚📚
#forfontssake #anditsaugust

Jess_Read_This I'm #stacking Worlds of Ink and Shadows based on that spine alone! ❤️ 7y
LeahBergen Someone very wonderful bought The Lightkeepers for me. 😉 I'm so looking forward to it. (edited) 7y
elkeOriginal @LeahBergen 😊 Have you seen the book @Jess_Read_This tagged above? It's the Brontes... 7y
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Jess_Read_This @elkeo @LeahBergen It was a double win when I loved the spine/cover and read it was about the Brontes! 7y
LeahBergen @Jess_Read_This @elkeo Oh! I read about this one a while ago but forgot the title. I'm stacking. 👍🏻 7y
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The Girl of Ink & Stars | Kiran Millwood Hargrave
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The first 70 pages had me feeling silently smug about occasionally reading books aimed at kids. The world building was as strong as any adult-oriented novel, but then when the plot kicked in, it all fell apart.

In short, after a strong start, the book became kind of inept. Plenty of good ideas about maps and storytelling, but too many silly tropes lifted from other stories and Disney movies to be a real standalone success.

TrishB Yeah, I found it too young. 7y
Joanne1 The junior fiction/YA gamble. 7y
Lindy Sorry to hear it was a disappointment. I enjoy a well-written children's novel now and then. Last one was 7y
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The Girl of Ink & Stars | Kiran Millwood Hargrave

I'm soooooo close to ditching this book. It's not really my style but I'm going to keep going a bit longer as the audiobook narrative is alright 🙁📖📚📖🙁

The Girl of Ink & Stars | Kiran Millwood Hargrave
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Couldn't sleep last night so this was my insomnia buddy. The audiobook narrative is amazing too 📖📚📖📚📖

The Girl of Ink & Stars | Kiran Millwood Hargrave
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The Girl of Ink and Stars | Kiran Millwood Hargrave
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A beautiful adventure with lots of blood and violence! Read more in my review at The Casual Book Review! https://tcbookreview.wordpress.com/2017/06/20/nimona/

The Girl of Ink and Stars | Kiran Millwood Hargrave

We are all products of our surroundings. Each of us carries the map of our lives on our skin, in the way we walk, even in the way we grow.

The Girl of Ink & Stars | Kiran Millwood Hargrave
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I haven't read anything by Kiran Millwood Hargrave before, but I have heard amazing things about this book, both on Litsy and from the cashier at the book shop ☺️

I look forward to reading this #NewAuthor 💛


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The Girl of Ink & Stars | Kiran Millwood Hargrave
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Wow what a journey! This book was full of maps, myths and adventure! A quick read which told a tale so beautifully detailed for its length and I really enjoyed it. Will definitely pick up more of Hargrave's writing in the future!

#thegirlofinkandstars #childrens #fiction #stories #mythical #bookstagram #bookworm #shortstory #cartographer #mapmaker #read #love #loss #books #happiness #otherworldy #kiranmillwoodhargrave

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The Girl of Ink & Stars | Kiran Millwood Hargrave
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Once again I finished my book on the flight to London. Once again I had thought ahead and ordered one or two things to my mum's apartment for when I arrived. #bookdrunk

LeahBergen 😮😮 7y
Books88 Lol, just one or two things... 7y
LauraBrook It's only 26 books, it could've been worse. Plus, you need options! 🤘🏼 7y
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GuiltyFeat @LauraBrook Thank you. Truth is I was holding back because I'm going to the book festival in Hay-on-Wye on Monday and I figured I may want to pick up a few things there. #options 7y
Beckys_Books You are with it!! 7y
Lwiesman 😳 7y
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The Girl of Ink and Stars | Kiran Millwood Hargrave
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It's a pick as I think it's a good book for a certain age group - a lovely, well told fairy tale really. It's not YA though I would say target age 9-12 probably, don't think there's enough in here for my 15 y/o.
Still love the cover.

Broke_Girl_Reads I just picked this one up! I'm enjoying it so far and the artwork on the pages is beautiful 7y
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The Girl of Ink and Stars | Kiran Millwood Hargrave
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Just starting this one. Holiday weekend family socialising means I am desperate for a quiet read!

Andrew65 Hope you manage to get some good reading time too. 7y
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The Girl of Ink and Stars | Kiran Millwood Hargrave
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JoeStalksBeck I love that cover!! 7y
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The Girl of Ink & Stars | Kiran Millwood Hargrave
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Had I read this when I was much younger I probably would have enjoyed it, there's adventure, fantasy and a two brave girls at its heart. Unfortunately, at 30, there isn't enough original material for me; the worldbuilding and mythology is faintly sketched, the story is nothing new and the characters thin. A nice story for young readers but not substantial enough for adults. #LRC2

saresmoore Have you selected something for same age author (#LRC16)? I'm attempting to get through a book by Sarah J. Maas, but I would love to be able to bail on it... Or even better—have you published anything? 7y
Moray_Reads @saresmoore I'm tempted to read something by Claire North. I read some of hers years ago and quite enjoyed them. She definitely 30. She also writes as Catherine Webb and Kate Griffin 7y
saresmoore I will look her up. Thank you! 7y
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The Girl of Ink & Stars | Kiran Millwood Hargrave
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"Girls can go on adventures too.." ?
#fairytalesforever #lovemeaprettycover

The Girl of Ink & Stars | Kiran Millwood Hargrave
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This book was SO beautiful but generally the plot was a let down.

The Girl of Ink & Stars | Kiran Millwood Hargrave
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#mapsinbooks for #day28 of #somethingforsept I love books with maps in, my favourite are the maps in Eragon but I don't have that book with me atm.

The Girl of Ink and Stars | Kiran Millwood Hargrave
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All of the pages have these lovely little illustrations, it makes me happy.
#bookart #prettybooks

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The Girl of Ink & Stars | Kiran Millwood Hargrave
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"Each of us carries the map of our lives on our skin, in the way we walk, even in the way we grow"
This quote reminds me of the poem The Map Woman by Carol Ann Duffy.
This book is at the top of my tbr pile, I'm really looking forward to reading it, mainly because of the beautiful pages and maps!
#bookart #poetry #maps #prettybooks

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The Girl of Ink & Stars | Kiran Millwood Hargrave
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This book has it all: pretty cover, pretty pages, maps, texture and a good heft.

MrBook Looks wonderful! 8y
Helen-d It is. The story is good but the actual book had me gushing 😊 8y
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The Girl of Ink & Stars | Kiran Millwood Hargrave

Amazing book. From the pages and front cover to the characters and plot it's amazing. Definitely recommend, for all ages.

The Girl of Ink & Stars | Kiran Millwood Hargrave
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Loving this book. It has a unique plot and I can't wait to see what happens next. The author's writing style is 👌🏽. Love it, love it, love it.