I needed a break from The Hiawatha, I haven't given up, I just needed to get that rush I get from reading an intense book. I needed a fix! 😁 So this came in the mail today, just in time. I'm super excited about this one. 🤞🏽
I needed a break from The Hiawatha, I haven't given up, I just needed to get that rush I get from reading an intense book. I needed a fix! 😁 So this came in the mail today, just in time. I'm super excited about this one. 🤞🏽
I'm having mixed emotions about this one. It's gripping when it gets to the point. But then the descriptions get so in depth, you lose interest. I feel like it's too busy setting the scene, it forgets where it's going. The plot is hard to tell where it's going. I RARELY abandon a book before the end, but I have to admit that I'm struggling to pick it up and finish. Let's hope it has a gripping ending. 🤓📖
So far, this book is gripping. A little slow at first, but man does it pick up quickly. I'm only halfway through, so I'm going back in. 🤓📚📖
Many who remember this case will go into this book knowing the outcome, but delving into the details of that outcome is what this book is about. The author fills in all the gaps that skimming through the tabloids just doesn't give justice to. I wasn't sure how the book would read, but going further in, I got lost in the persistence of the lead detective and stopped analyzing the writing style so that I appreciated the heart of the book. 🤓
After a 5 month hiatus, I'm back with a great read. This. Is. Profound. The way she describes our shared pain is nothing short of majestic. There is something exclusive in Indigenous woman pain, something in the way we feel and express pain that can be felt and expressed by no other. This book speaks of that exclusivity in a manner that we Indigenous woman understand in our soul. I honestly wanted this to last even longer. 🧠🤓📖🍵
In love with my new writing journal. Now maybe I'll organize all of my thoughts in one place, instead of always writing on random sheets of paper and shoving them together in notebooks. 🤓📖🖋💡
FINALLY! IT'S HERE! I've been a little busy lately, so I haven't had much time to read, so I'm still on "I Am Watching You," and I had a different book picked out for my next read. BUT, since this came through the mail early, it's next in my queue. ??
And of course I already had my next one picked out and ready to go. A thriller that looks promising. 🤓📖
"I saw the look of tenderness on her face, and I knew she was happy that I was in a good, safe place. It struck me then how strong grief and hope were. Grief and hope were our anchor, holding us together."
Beautifully written, and very honest in its descriptions. There is a completely different way of thinking for children who have grown up in the system, a way of thinking that is only recognized by others who have experienced familial trauma. This book is a shared experience with its reader in the way it's written almost as a memoir. Although I am not normally a fan of memoirs, I was enthralled nonetheless.
If you've read this, and loved it as much as I did, there is an online book discussion on this book, featuring an Indigenous panel, this Sunday. Check it out. 🤓📖
And of course, I have my next read already lined up. I rarely have only one book going, and I never have no idea what I'm going to read next, I always have a well stocked library. Once I'm getting close to the end of a book, I start carrying around the next book I'm going to read, so I'm always carrying around no less than three books at a time. My Louis Vuitton is more of a book bag than an actual purse. 🤓📖
Jennifer McMahon never fails to amaze. This is the fourth book of hers that I've read, and will not be the last. She is amazing with the twists and turns, I can never put her books down, and this was no exception. Just when I thought I had it figured, nope, plot twist. A serious page turner. This ending was just so surprising, like I never saw it coming. None of it. Complete shock and awe.
Enjoying the sunshine while I can, 'cause I hear the thunder. This has been the rainiest summer here! At least the book is good. 🤓📖
My next read. I'm such a fan of this author. I discovered her with The Night Sister, and loved it so much I went on the The Winter People, then The Invited. This is one of her earlier pieces, but I have a feeling this is gonna be another page turner. 🤓📖
I went into this, knowing it would be emotional, and it was, yet much different than what I expected. I feel like the writing style was a little too dry and to the point. The story itself is incredible, but I felt as though it could have used a little more finesse in its descriptions. The writing style wasn't that bland, but it did feel a little hurried and skimmed over in some parts that I felt deserved a little more emotion. Good read. 🤓
I saw this on one of the book clubs I follow, not sure which one, but I was intrigued. Normally, I absolutely abstain from all things romance, I just prefer to not to read through someone's love life be it sappy, steamy, or anything in between. But when I read the summary, I felt compelled, like I simply HAD to read this. I haven't read this kind of storyline since Sarah's Key, which you HAVE to read. You HAVE to. With that, I'm off. 🤓📖
Just. Wow. At first, I was a little put off by the jumping from one character to another, but as I read I could start to see how it was supposed to flow. As I read, each character became so personal, and I understood because of the raw way their stories were being told. Then, emotional explosion! I'm still feeling some kind of way, I want to know MORE! It left me with hope, PRAYING for each character even after I read the last sentence.
We're taking our second oldest son off to college tomorrow to start his football season before the fall semester starts. It's gonna be a long trip there, spend a few days, then another long trip back. I think I'm well stocked. I don't know about you, but I think I put more thought into my reading material than I do my wardrobe. 🤣
I rarely have only one book going, I jump from a novel to short stories or poems. Today, I'm starting on There There, by an Indigenous author. After forcing myself to read through the Outsider, I'm looking forward to a more interesting read. 🤞🏽🤓
Finally finished. It took so long to read this just because it just didn't hold my attention. By the time my interest was piqued and I felt a rush of thrill, the thrill was gone. It just felt like there was too much of not much going on. I think the concept of the book was interesting, but there just wasn't enough interaction with the "outsider." The book is about him, and what he's done, but he's rarely featured. I give it a "meh"??♀️ rating.
I have been trudging along with this book for, I can't even remember how long, but I stuck to it and have now hit pay dirt! True, it took getting over halfway through to pique my interest, but man, it's piqued to hyperdrive! I had plans for today.......but they might need to be rescheduled. 🤔📖📚
Jasmine green tea infused with lavender, and one of my most favorite poets. I discovered The Old Astronomer as a teenager, and fell in love. Of course that was in my dark Poe phase (which I'm still in 🤷🏽♀️), so Sadie became an accompaniment, then as I read, a must. So now, after receiving my new copy, it feels like becoming reacquainted with a lost friend. 🤓📜🖋
Yup. That time in the evening. Makeup off, headlamp on, and taking a break from the gore of Stephen King to revisit the beauty of Kahlil Gibran, who's always been one of my favorites. 🤓📖💡💋
Anyone else use headlamps instead of the traditional book light? They're not a sexy look for the boudoir, but they're much more efficient. 🤷🏽♀️
If nerdy is the new sexy, is dweeb the new nerd? 🤣🤣
All this rain is not helping my arthritis, so I'm curled up with my favorite plush blanket, and reading a little poetry. Back and forth from Stephen King to Atticus is messing with my emotions. 🤣
Thank you for the tip @rather_be_reading I'm thoroughly enjoying this book. 🌹
#ItReallyIsTheSimpleThings 🤓📖
Just starting this. This will be only the second book I've read from Stephen King....I know, it's probably a sin not to have read more. So, with a belly full of Chinese takeout, it's time to tuck in and start what I'm sure will be a masterpiece. 🤓🔎🕵️♂️📖
This book was simply spectacular. Not only was it deeply personal for me to read, any reader will feel the emotions of each character. As I read, I could envision the faces of my mother, my grandma, my aunties, my ancestors in the faces of these characters. Wonderfully descriptive, as well as accurately informative. I found myself crying with the characters, and cheering for them too. An emotional rollercoaster that leaves you with hope.
Only a few chapters in, and this already has me by the heart. Being Indigenous, I grew up with stories of boarding schools and the horror stories within them, from my mother, and my Grandma. This book tells the stories of these children, not in a straight forward approach, cut and dry, and just the facts. It tells the stories in a personal way that reads as a fiction, but is anything but a work of fiction.
WAY too predictable. I figured it out in chapter 18....there are 65 chapters. Basically I read the rest of the book just confirm how I thought it would all play out, and with the exception of only one character, I was spot on. I was hoping for more, it just seemed to skim the surface, action was minimal, and clues were handed out like candy. But, if you need a book to pass the time without much brain power required, here ya go.
"So really. What was the point?
But she is remembering now. Cooking doesn't just nurture the recipient; it nurtures the chef."
Indeed. ??? ? ?
On the this one now. 4 chapters in, and so far not too shabby. We shall see. 🤞🏽🤓📖
So hard to read, yet harder to put down. The story of the horror these sisters, and others, were put through at the hands of their mother is something that most cannot even fathom, while for some it brings forth memories of their own life. This book becomes very personal to any reader, as it tugs at your empathy, consciousness, ethics, and humanity.
Enjoying a good read out in my little garden. My Frida Kahlo rose is about to make her debut. Still reading "If You Tell." So far it's both hard to read, and hard to put down. I have so much to say about this book so far, but I'll wait until I'm finished.
"If you have a garden and a library, you have everything you need." ~Cicero
Indeed. ????
Taking a much needed break from the usual hustle and bustle to start this one. I can tell from some of the reviews that I'll be having sleepless nights for the next few days. 🤓📚📖🔦
Trying to get back into this one. I started reading this a while ago, and I know everyone is in awe of this book, but I have to say I've yet to be impressed. It's very wordy, like the wheels are spinning with no progress. I'm going to guess that I just didn't get far enough into the book, it's happened before with other books and I ended up LOVING them....I'm hoping for the same with this one. 🤞🏽🤓📖
I wanted to like this more than I did. I kept waiting for the big explosion of suspense, even to the last five pages, but it just never delivered. It was, however a pleasantly easy quarantine read.