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Red River Girl
Red River Girl: The Life and Death of Tina Fontaine | Joanna Jolly
A gripping account of the unsolved death of an Indigenous teenager, and the detective determined to find her killer, set against the backdrop of a troubled city. On August 17, 2014, the body of fifteen-year old runaway Tina Fontaine was found in Winnipeg's Red River. It was wrapped in material and weighted down with rocks. Red River Girl is a gripping account of that murder investigation and the unusual police detective who pursued the killer with every legal means at his disposal. The book, like the movie Spotlight, will chronicle the behind-the-scenes stages of a lengthy and meticulously planned investigation. It reveals characters and social tensions that bring vivid life to a story that made national headlines. Award-winning BBC reporter and documentary maker Joanna Jolly delves into the troubled life of Tina Fontaine, the half-Ojibway, half-Cree murder victim, starting with her childhood on the Sagkeeng First Nation Reserve. Tina's journey to the capital city is a harrowing one, culminating in drug abuse, sexual exploitation, and death. Aware of the reality of missing and murdered Indigenous women and girls, Jolly has chronicled Tina Fontaine's life as a reminder that she was more than a statistic. Raised by her father, and then by her great-aunt, Tina was a good student. But the violent death of her father hit Tina hard. She ran away, was found and put into the care of Child and Family Services, which she also sought to escape from. That choice left her in danger. Red River Girl focuses not on the grisly event itself, but on the efforts to seek justice. In December 2015, the police charged Raymond Cormier, a drifter, with second-degree murder. Jolly's book will cover the trial, which resulted in an acquittal. The verdict caused dismay across the country. The book is not only a true crime story, but a portrait of a community where Indigenous women are disproportionately more likely to be hurt or killed. Jolly asks questions about how Indigenous women, sex workers, community leaders and activists are fighting back to protect themselves and change perceptions. Most importantly, the book will chronicle whether Tina's family will find justice.
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This nonfiction book is so compelling and fascinating that it reads like a thriller. Tina Fontaine was the young Indigenous woman whose death set off the firestorm of news coverage in 2014 about the missing and murdered Indigenous women across Canada. The journalist did an amazing job bringing Tina‘s story to light as well as that of the detectives and police squad. While tough to read at times, I highly recommend this one! #BookspinBingo

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Finally got my May #BookspinBingo done. April has been a light reading month due to work but I‘m looking forward to a banner reading month in May! @TheAromaofBooks

TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!! 2mo
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Many who remember this case will go into this book knowing the outcome, but delving into the details of that outcome is what this book is about. The author fills in all the gaps that skimming through the tabloids just doesn't give justice to. I wasn't sure how the book would read, but going further in, I got lost in the persistence of the lead detective and stopped analyzing the writing style so that I appreciated the heart of the book. 🤓

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FINALLY! IT'S HERE! I've been a little busy lately, so I haven't had much time to read, so I'm still on "I Am Watching You," and I had a different book picked out for my next read. BUT, since this came through the mail early, it's next in my queue. ??

MsMelissa I have an e-version of this book but haven‘t read it yet. I‘m looking forward to your review. 4y
TinaFaa @Book_Fiend_Melissa we'll have to swap opinions on it after you've read it as well. 🤓 4y
MsMelissa Sounds good. I‘ll move it to the top of my e-book TBR pile, which means I‘ll start it after I finish my current e-book. 4y
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A very detailed book about Tina Fontaine's murder case. Highly recommend this book!

Rating: 5⭐

For my full review please visit https://www.goodreads.com/review/show/3066451083

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This book about the Tina Fontaine murder is an indictment of the lack of justice that Indigenous people, especially women & girls, faced in Canada. Misogyny & racism combined to create a situation that was truly appalling. An informative yet grim read that was a little academic in places. 3.5🌟

Thanks to NetGalley & publishers Little, Brown Book Group UK, for the opportunity to read an ARC. #NetGalley

#NFNov @Clwojick @rsteve388

Clwojick 6pt 5y
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For the first two chapters I felt this non-fiction book was too simplistic; it read like a magazine article. However I soon became engrossedw in the minutiae of the search for the killer, and the methodical research carried out by the police team.

The author uses the murder of one Indigenous Canadian, 15 year old Tina Fontaine, to highlight the history of violence against all Indigenous females, many of whom have simply disappeared.


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Very detailed look into the life and death of Tina Fontaine and the almost obsessive work the homicide detective did in trying to find and convict her killer. Sheds great light on indigenous issues in Canada, especially the gross number if missing and murdered women.

Lindy 😔 5y
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Or should I read some NF right now? 🤔

What to read next is a real dilemma!

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The foundation of this book, as well as the case itself and the publicity surrounding it, is the amount of violence and brutality to which indigenous women in Canada are exposed. Tina Fontaine was one young girl among many, only 15 when her body washed up onto the shore of the Red River. Tbh, this book wasn‘t anything special as far as true crimes go, until about 60% of the way through. ⬇️ Minor spoiler about the investigation below. #lilithjuly

Reviewsbylola Detectives carried out a major sting, the likes of which I‘ve never heard before. The commitment, brain storming, and money involved blew my mind. 5y
Cinfhen I thought the backstory was much more interesting than the actual crime and I agree the sting was mind blowing. Straight out of a movie. But I was SO PISSED knowing that the suspect ( I forgot his name) was found not guilty!!!!! Made me so mad. I totally believe he killed her. 5y
Reviewsbylola I agree, I believe he did it. It‘s frustrating because I think the detectives did everything they could but I can see how he was found not guilty because there wasn‘t a lot of evidence. @Cinfhen 5y
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An absolutely heartbreaking true story of the murder and systematic failure of Tina Fontaine, a 15 yr old Indigenous girl from Canada. Extensive research and compelling writing charters Tina‘s unhealthy early family life, her placement in Canada‘s child welfare services, the many obstacles and tragedies she faced in her short life and the final 6 weeks that led to her body submerged in Winnipeg‘s Red River. This story is haunting & infuriating. 😭

krismlars I grew up along the Red River 150 south of Winnipeg, so your post caught my eye. Adding to my list! 5y
IamIamIam I like your honest review but it was hard hitting the heart on this post. I'll definitely add this to my list. 5y
TrishB 💔 true story! 5y
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Cinfhen This book will break your heart in a million pieces @krismlars @IamIamIam @TrishB 💔💔💔but it‘s worth your time and the pain 5y
Prairiegirl_reading I lived in Winnipeg and now just outside the city for my whole life. This story is truly heartbreaking. 😢 5y
Cinfhen Were you familiar with this case @Prairiegirl_reading @krismlars ??? 5y
Prairiegirl_reading @Cinfhen absolutely! I think everyone in and around Winnipeg knows of this case. 5y
Cinfhen Did you think Raymond Cormier was guilty?? @Prairiegirl_reading After reading this VERY thorough investigative work, I‘m not 💯 sure he murdered Tina. I totally get why it seems he was the most likely suspect but without a doubt, I can‘t say for sure. It was such a heartbreaking story. 5y
Prairiegirl_reading @Cinfhen yeah unfortunately not great evidence against the suspect even if he did kill her but one has to question the police there. Missing and murdered indigenous women are an epidemic in Canada. Systemic racism. We tend to think it doesn‘t happen here but it most certainly does. That family is a microcosm of all the terrible things that happen here. 5y
Cinfhen The book was very forthcoming about the terrible racism that exists against the indigenous community, especially the women but she still seemed to indicate that the police in this case went above & beyond & they just couldn‘t get that admission from him as hard as they tried. @Prairiegirl_reading so frustrating and devastating for Tina‘s Aunt. 5y
Prairiegirl_reading @Cinfhen yes it‘s unbelievable what the aunt has been through. I don‘t know how she has survived. Does the book go as far as telling that Tina‘s cousin was also murdered after she was? 5y
krismlars @Cinfhen I wasn‘t living in the area at the time, so I‘m not familiar with the story 5y
Cinfhen Yes @Prairiegirl_reading and her 13 yr old sister gave birth to a baby who has been taken into child services. It‘s just so heartbreaking. The cycle repeats. 5y
Prairiegirl_reading @Cinfhen definitely the residential school system and cfs are the cause of so much trauma for so many families. I‘ll have to get this book when it comes out. 5y
Reviewsbylola This sounds like a real life companion to the fantastic book I‘m currently reading. 5y
Cinfhen I‘m pretty sure I recently purchased that book from #BookDepository @Reviewsbylola I‘ve seen so many glowing reviews 5y
Reviewsbylola It‘s fantastic. So much so that I convinced our book club to read it! 5y
Cinfhen I think @andrew61 put it on my radar and than @TrishB @Reviewsbylola I hope the book arrives before I leave for the States🤞🏼🤞🏼 5y
Mdargusch I guess I need to read this after The Break then @Reviewsbylola 👍🏼 5y
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#SelfCareSunday Pedicure time ~ reading a new #ARC #NetGalley ~ can‘t put it down #TrueCrime #IndigenousPeople #Canada Tagging @Reviewsbylola @Kaye my two faithful #TrueCrimeFans

Cinfhen Oh I see you‘ve read it @Kaye it‘s such a compelling story 5y
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks ❤️❤️❤️ 5y
Reviewsbylola Lucky!! I need a pedi badly! Haven‘t read this one so I‘ll stack it! 5y
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DivineDiana Pretty color! ❤️ 5y
gradcat Gosh...nice feet! Mine don‘t look that good at all!! 😱 5y
Cinfhen After spending so many days pacing hospital floors and running to dr visits I‘m happy to sit & soak my toes in a tub 💗and it was a good excuse to sit with my Kindle. Book is fantastic so far @Reviewsbylola @DivineDiana @gradcat @Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks 👣 5y
Cathythoughts Lovely brown feet & red toes ♥️👍🏻 5y
erzascarletbookgasm Great colour for summer 👍 5y
Kalalalatja Enjoy! 💕 5y
gradcat Good for you! And it is indeed a pretty color! 💅🏾 5y
Velvetfur Oh I remember having toe separators, years ago! I pedicured today too, but with black and a layer of gold sparkles on top - not pretty summery like yours, hahaha! 5y
Cinfhen You‘re toes sound much more exciting than mine @Velvetfur but my toes definitely say SUMMER IS HERE @Kalalalatja @erzascarletbookgasm @Cathythoughts they are actually hot pink!!! 5y
Velvetfur @Cinfhen Exciting toes 😂 👍 5y
saresmoore Well deserved, my beautiful friend! I just got a pedicure yesterday for the first time in ten years! I could get used to it, though... 5y
Cinfhen Thank you my lovely friend xx 10 years is a long time between pedicures @saresmoore glad you enjoyed ‼️ 5y
Mdargusch Love this! ❤️ 5y
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April Wrap Up!

I read 11 books in April (4 physical, 5 ebooks, 2 audiobooks). My favourite was Red River Girl.

Now that I‘ve started school again, my monthly reading will definitely drop. I‘m hoping to read ~5 books in May.

#AprilWrapUp #AprilStats

Addison_Reads Great job 🎉 I just started My Lovely Wife for my local library's bookclub. 5y
LiteraryinLawrence Looks like a great bunch! I loved Magpie Murders. 5y
StillLookingForCarmenSanDiego Awesome job! 📖💖 5y
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candority @Addison_Reads Thank you! I really liked it and I hope you do too! 😊 5y
candority @LiteraryinLititz Thanks! It was such a great concept! 5y
readordierachel Good month! I'm so curious about My Lovely Wife. The library wait is forever. 5y
candority @readordierachel Thanks! It was a solid 4-star read for me! I hope you enjoy it when you finally get ahold of it! 5y
Erofan Wow! Good job! 👍 5y
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Red River Girl tells the tragic true story of Tina Fontaine, a 15-year-old Indigenous girl whose body was found in Winnipeg‘s Red River on August 17, 2014. As a true crime book, Red River Girl focuses primarily on the murder investigation, but it also provides a glimpse into Tina‘s short life and broader Indigenous issues in Canada. It is well-written, well-research, and compelling, and I highly recommend it. Full review: bit.ly/2VeKWmQ #NetGalley

Kaye On my preorders ! 5y
candority @kaye Woo! I look forward to reading your review 😊 5y
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