Was more about our relation to the animals, especially in light of the effects we have on their environment- but I enjoyed it. Easy to put down and pick up since the chapters are each a different animal.
Was more about our relation to the animals, especially in light of the effects we have on their environment- but I enjoyed it. Easy to put down and pick up since the chapters are each a different animal.
Someone wants to know why her species doesn‘t show up in here.
I can see where you'd say that 🤣
Not sure I "got it" but I got to use the cute new book mark my SiL made me!
Re telling of 'beauty and the beast' type story for YA. Read it to fill challenge categories.
Was finally able to use my Jane Eyre temp tattoos with my girlfriends. It's the best feeling to have friends who are happy to nerd out and be goofy with you.
I didn't read Jane Eyre until a few years ago, but it now ranks as one of my favorites.
Baking cookies and reading Anna Karenina ✅Can't fall behind this late in the year.
Both lists had a graphic novel/comic type book requirement. A very sweet fast read.
Finished (in one straight sitting). Book you haven't read since high school and book published in the decade you were born. My first reread in a long time (ever?). Still as powerful/moving as I remember.
Loved, loved, loved this book! Greatly informative, but also humorous and, at times, moving. Do you eat/have/watch/catch/know fish? 🐟 If yes, you need to read this book.
So far, so good 😊
So glad I read this book! I will be passing it along to at least two different people. Highly recommend!
"Une maison sans chat, c'est la vie sans soleil!
A house without a cat is like life without sunshine! - attributed by Julia Child to Therese Asche
Excited to move on to this book after the last disaster. This meets the "book by a celebrity" and "food memoir" categories on my challenge lists.
It is amazing what finishing a book you don't like will do to your mood. I did not like this book, it seemed like he was venting all his frustrations and anger. There were a few paragraphs of insightful things, but there were also many paragraphs of name dropping (i.e., these are all the people that called me after I was in the hospital, followed by two literal paragraphs of names). Would not recommend unless you are a HUGE Nixon fan. 📷Baltimore
The flow seemed off. I did learn a lot about the connections between historical figures I hadn't realized were connected.
"There is no doubt that greater interest is felt in the suffering of an elephant or a moose than in that of smaller game, though they suffer no more, but we may carry that idea down to our daily walks where we crush out the lives of insects by the thousands, but it can't be helped, and we give ourselves no trouble about it"