Cover to cover. No regrets. My heart is still racing.
So many thoughts, where to start. First off, I planned on reading for fifteen minutes and instead read cover to cover. I had to also take a break halfway through to sit and have a long cry when I finished the scene with Val and her father on the side of the road. Im no authority on this much grief and pain, which I am lucky for, but I cant help but think that reading something this difficult puts your daily decisions into a little clearer view.
Great premise, intriguing inspiration, rushed writing and confusing plotline. The protagonist is constantly bewildered by her surroundings, but the author just brushes by the opportunity and instead careens us three lines later into another novel character, place, or magical moment.
Thanks to my friend Jess, I have a new pile of YA fantasy/novels to read - all free! First up, Stealing Snow based on the fairytale 'Snow Queen'
A bit like 'Before the Fall', kept me intrigued until the end. Had a harder time liking the main character though, maybe because she was a bit of a sob about her love life. Interesting twist at the end, but wasn't the most believable. A little too out there with not enough lead up, it ended abruptly. Still a worthwhile camping read!
So while I didn't dislike it enough to bail, it wasn't unique enough to recommend to others. I was initially drawn in because the central conflict was pitched as an older sister rescuing the younger, which I can identify with, but was drowned out by typical YA heroine musings on her romantic life.
So maybe I read it cover to cover and maybe it is past my bedtime on a week night. But I just felt so bad for the poor family and Melanie that I wanted to get to the happy ending. All in all, a good suspense. A few mysteries weren't so secret, and one or two were a nice surprise!
Bagel, beer, and a book. Perfect for a 90 degree Tuesday night!
I will call them my people, which were not my people; and her beloved, which was not beloved. Re-reading Beloved for the first time since high school and I already have goosebumps...
As it turns out, I was surprised by the ending, which rarely ever happens. Hawley gives his readers plenty of believable reasons for the crash, while also making us invested in every subplot. While the 'good' and 'bad' guys are clearly defined from their first introduction, I found I didn't mind.
Starting a new book over lunch! Heard so many good things about this one.
Just as good the second time as when I first bought it last month. Unlike most YA Authors, Maas' writing and characters get better and better throughout the series. I cant wait for the third installment next spring. Time to go re-read Throne of Glass while I wait!