Ch 10: I was going to post a pic of Mary and Laura but then we were introduced to the #garibaldi #thatchickwasnutsthough #thosegirlsworkedhard #yikes #soyoung #bessieandchokey #newgenerationofhousewives #yougogirls #hashtagbrigade
Ch 10: I was going to post a pic of Mary and Laura but then we were introduced to the #garibaldi #thatchickwasnutsthough #thosegirlsworkedhard #yikes #soyoung #bessieandchokey #newgenerationofhousewives #yougogirls #hashtagbrigade
Ch 13: so.much.crying. #whoa #somuchhappened #auntiesaysemilycanmarryV #becauseitwouldmakeauntiepopular #obviously #butwait #youknowwhatsbetter #auntieusesthedecorforemilysweddingonherself #becausesheeloped #withmacaroni #yesiknowthatsnothisname #macaronisaysemilycantmarryV #muchcrying #manyletters #mostlyunread #vandemilymeetinthegarden #VWantstoelope #saysmacaroniisbad #emilysaysno #morecrying #morecrying #morecrying #staytuned #hashtagbrigade
Ch 7: well, that was hella creepy! #draculaiscoming #avampsgottaeat #thatstormthough #yikes #lucyssleepwalkingisalsocreepy #allthepoorpups #thatbigdogisamenace #staytuned #hashtagbrigade
Ch 23: did anyone else get final destination vibes from this #vignette ?!? #wesawitcoming #notthelogs #thebreakup #tessaplansadaytrip #whatcouldgowrong #iguessiputthecartbeforethehorssonthatone #sydneywishesforafatalaccident #becausethatsbetterthanbreakingup #obviously #thatligtruckalmostgaveherwhatshewishedfor #yikes #staytuned #almostthere #hashtagbrigade
Ch 13: Sally is not a fan of Ruth #butalso #isitherfaultThatBisdeformed #droppedhimonhishead #yikes #sheknowsthesecret #byebyehair #ruthtakesitwell #staytuned #hashtagbrigade
Love how she's portrayed as "old..." she's 20. ?
Times sure were different back then. Between reading this and Clan of the Cave Bear, I'm pretty damn grateful to be around in this day and age and not when it was normal for 11-13 year olds to have children/get married. #yikes
Also, guy calling her "old" looks to be in his 70s, which makes absolutely no sense ?
Side note: the artwork is absolutely stunning.
#mangaweekly #justmythoughts
Part 2: Rochester takes over the tale #becauseAistotallycrazy #rochesterwaspaidtomarryher #theytrickedhimforsure #thatsicknessofhismakesmewonder #Granboiscreepsmeout #AshalfbrowritesRaletter #heconfirmsthatRwastricked #yikes #RGetslost #obeah #voodoo #funtimes And now it‘s back to A narrating! #shevisitsChristophine #sheasksforsomevoodoomagic #RcallsherBerthanow #WTF #allhermoneybelongstoRnow #shestrapped #hashtagbrigade ⬇️⬇️⬇️
Ch 4: and now we know what happened to Rebecca #butfirst #hoppyissick #ummmmmm #whatdowecallthenarrator #suggestionsplease #asiwassaying #narratorisfreefortheday #awkardlunchwithmax #awkwardcarridewithmax #almostsuicidewithmax⁉️ #yikes #howhetalksaboutmanderleythough #staytuned #hashtagbrigade #pemberlittens
Ch 7.1: soooooo monks can be a$$holes too 🤷🏻♀️ #putridsmell #pettymonks #yikes #thatescalatedsoquickly #somuchhate #devilseverywhere #staytuned #thebros #hashtagbrigade #SWFG #pemberlittens
Ch 3.10: yikes! That was a lot #alyoshavisitskaterina #Gisthere 😳 #theymadeal #butwait #Gwaskidding #becasuesheisevil 👿 #andsheoutskaterinaspast #yikes #thebros #hashtagbrigade #pemberlittens