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Parade | Rachel Cusk
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New Rachel Cusk!

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Just the sort of dryly witty #BritLit I love, so far.


LeahBergen I‘m enjoying it, too! 2mo
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Elizabeth Barrett Browning: Selected Poems | Elizabeth Barrett Browning
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TheSpineView Powerful! Love it! ♥️ 2mo
dabbe @TheSpineView 💙🩵💙 2mo
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Providence | Anita Brookner
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“They were married on his embarkation leave. Louise made her daughters wedding dress, sitting up all night to finish it. It was of the palest pink china silk; an audacious choice destined to set off her daughter‘s delicate white skin. Instead of a veil , there was a little pill-box hat. It was the most beautiful wedding dress Louise had ever made. “

Very happy to be reading Anita Brookner again ♥️

Tamra I need to read more! 4mo
Cathythoughts @tamra I do too. She is kind of perfect ♥️ (edited) 4mo
LeahBergen You bought this one for me several years ago and I loved it SO MUCH! ❤️ 3mo
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batsy Oh gosh, I really must read more of her! 3mo
Cathythoughts @LeahBergen I‘m really enjoying it. I‘m glad you loved it. She‘s unique ❤️ 3mo
Cathythoughts @batsy I know. She‘s very good. X 3mo
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Parade | Rachel Cusk
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I survived a Cusk book. I loved and hated this book. Not the book to read if you‘re looking for something plot driven. If you like books that require a LOT of intellectual energy, then you will like this. Definitely some brilliant reflections on art, motherhood, identify and female artists. But not highly accessible to average readers.

Full review: https://thereadersroom.org/2024/03/25/parade-by-rachel-cusk/

BarbaraBB I never even heard of this one. I always have mixed feelings about Cusk‘s books and am in no hurry to read this one. 4mo
JenP @BarbaraBB it comes out in mid-June. I read it to help with my booker predictions this year. (edited) 4mo
JenP @BarbaraBB reading her books are like being back in college. They require a lot of mental energy and sometimes I don‘t have it in me 😂 4mo
BarbaraBB I know what you mean! 4mo
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Parade | Rachel Cusk
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I keep forgetting what‘s it‘s like to read Cusk. I feel like I need an advanced literary degree to understand this novel. So this probably means it will make the booker list

RaeLovesToRead 🤣🤣 4mo
BarbaraBB Haha 😜 (edited) 4mo
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Look at Me | Anita Brookner
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This book blew me away! I don't know that I've read anything as perceptive on the psychology of writers, the delicate line between solitude and loneliness, the introvert's desire to take part in life without sacrificing something fundamental of themselves, the interplay between in-groups and outsiders and the often cruel treatment that results...it was excruciating, in the very best way!

BarbaraBB Wonderful review. 4mo
Billypar You sold me - great review! 4mo
Ruthiella You should read more Brookner if you liked this. For me she is an acquired taste, I only really liked Hotel du Lac. But it sounds like she might be perfect for you! 👍 4mo
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Nelly's Version | Eva Figes
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Picked this up at a used book shop on a whim & glad I did. It opens as Mrs Dean (an assumed name?) checks into a hotel. She has a suitcase full of cash & no memory of who she is or how she got there. She spends her days wandering the town, having awkward conversations & avoiding any attempt at deciphering her identity even though people show up claiming to be friends and family. Part of the fun was having no idea what was happening or how it 👇

merelybookish It would turn out. Figes was a minor feminist writer of the late 20th century. This book is about the stultifying lives of middle class women and the desire for escape. Not exactly a new theme but executed in an interesting way. 5mo
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Caliban Shrieks | Jack Hilton
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Quite chuffed with my freebie from the Penguin Random House Bookmarks website, I haven't done very much apart from full out a few polls so well worth it!

TieDyeDude Sweet! 5mo
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