All movies make it seem like just waving your hands like a lunatic will get you saved if you‘re stuck in the woods....not correct
All movies make it seem like just waving your hands like a lunatic will get you saved if you‘re stuck in the woods....not correct
So far so good! I love this thought experiment and learning the different changes our world has experienced since as far as the ice age.
If you‘re environmentally aware or curious even, and want to understand humanity‘s impact on the earth, then I‘d highly suggest this book. It‘s just one in a series but carries an intelligent concept to help slow the deterioration of our natural resources.
Showing both books I‘m immersed in, one for thought and one for entertainment. So far the Daring Greatly is giving me something important to look at for myself and how I️ view things, so far extremely helpful in understanding myself. And house of leaves is an instant love, can‘t wait to get deeper.
So, as much as I would love to support a local who has put their work out there, this....was not my cup of tea. The whole premise seemed to be a diary type situation...no real profound ideas that I would prefer with poetry...but still, I have to give the writer props for taking on this type of personal viewpoint.
So far....although I love Mr. K, it's like a long sentence, very erratic...but we shall see by the end
So far wonderful, I respect all those greatly who can venture into a landscape and capture the beauty so eloquently.
"Maybe, he thought, there aren't any such things as good friends or bad friends- maybe there are just friends, people who stand by you when you're hurt and who help you feel not so lonely..."
"There was power in that music, a power which seemed to most rightfully belong to all the skinny kids, fat kids, ugly kids, shy kids-the world's losers, in short. In it he felt a mad hilarious voltage which had the power to both kill and exalt."
So far so good! The nightmares have been flowing since page one on this beauty...trying to finish before the remake comes out in September.
Love this follow up to Dirty Pretty Things, Faudet's short stories and enticing poetry are short, sweet, and to the point.
Quick read; had a strong feminist feel which typically isn't my style but I'd still suggest it for the strong emotional ties to the theme and it's contents.
If one wants to understand the thin lines we walk upon in order to better understand ourselves, is highly suggest this book.
Not necessarily a quote but I've wanted all of these jobs at one point or another 😂 especially the last one
Interestingly found it in a children's book store and although far from a children's book would recommend it to anyone for an easy philosophical look at our world and human interactions.
Wonderful! Start to finish the language alone was captivating. Full of enough psychological quandaries for anyone to try to pick through. And an ending to stun the most perceptive reader.
Although I haven't read the Miss Peregrine series yet, this prologue of stories makes me want to go pick them up. Lovely tales for children and adults alike.
Very thoughtful outlook on a tragedy that has disgraced Americas beauty since it happened. I fully support the writer's viewpoint to take on the topics and "causes" the media had about the Columbine shooting and him being a friend of the killers, he has he best outlook to put an opinion forth and help those still asking questions and trying to understand.
Short, sweet, perfect. The power of story and literature, all rolled up in a beautifully artistic piece. I suggest this to children and adults alike. Makes me want to write my own story.
A theological outlook on how the differences in belief about God in Christianity and Islam are the core of tensions and violence throughout society. The writer comes from a Christian background but is writing with a goal to highlight what similarities these two religions contain and why those similarities can help with the present situation.
"Think how you love me," she whispered. "I don‘t ask you to love me always like this, but I ask you to remember. Somewhere inside me there‘ll always be the person I am to-night."
Romanticism in one volume...I have never tried to read this type of poetry before but Keats weaves beautiful prose pieces together with fantastic images of beauty, love, loss, and whimsy.
Sebastian's dive into the world we live in today and how we treat each other in our respective "tribes" was a wonderful look at the human species. He asks questions I believe we all have once asked ourselves and uses the military to compare the bonds that we no longer have.
"I could not escape a feeling that this was my own funeral, and you do not cry in that case." This line has stuck with me since I first read it 9 years ago, but because it's so much more than Gene not crying, Phineas was a part of him, as most people we love become a part of us. We die inside when we lose them.