A light, fun read for anyone who has ever drawn their style inspiration from people watching. Great illustrations, too.
A light, fun read for anyone who has ever drawn their style inspiration from people watching. Great illustrations, too.
Randomly bought a book that has been on my Amazon wishlist for 5+ years. Because why not.
Happy International Women's Day💋
Remember when being able to draw parallels between GoT and the real world was funny? 😖
Getting some much-needed info ready to dump into my brain for the battles to come.
Family never really fit the image we seem to carry of the "good old days."
It's amazing how Jaime's POV makes you like him more while Cercei's makes you like her less (if less is even possible). And yet, her perspective is always fascinating.
My favorite of the series so far. Iconic events from wall to wall.
A little more meandering than the first, but necessarily so (mostly). Could do with less description of food and clothes, though the texture is nice. Still hooked and hungry for the next.
Well, I'll be damned. I was expecting to hate this and it turns out I really, really liked it. Martin is no great stylist, but his world building is kind of amazing.
Finally giving it a go. I'm skeptical, but we'll see.
I can't believe I let this sit on my shelf for years! So, so good and really insightful about humanity and even the religion it so lovingly skewers. I think I read it in a little over a day.
This might be the first book I've ever read with almost zero exposition. Amazing and confusing all at once.
Holy shit this book is beautiful. The art takes my breath away and the story is so not what you would expect from a children's book- mostly because there is no story, per se. The book is just what it says: rules. But the pictures take it to a whole different level. Surreal and astonishing.
FFP: fave ending. Maybe the happy ending is too good to be true, but it always makes me feel a little better about the world when I finish it for the umpteenth time. A great modern fairy tale and full of witchy goodness. The movie is not nearly as good (that's right- fight me!)
This book. I don't know what to say. It's good- but that word doesn't fit. The hard sci-fi elements are hard for me to grasp, and yet I'm still captivated.
New HP swag (part of a set but I'm going minimal today). And yes, I am very, very pale.
The only way to appreciate British style is with a cuppa.
Color coordinated with my book club read today.
This series is batshit crazy in the absolute best way. It's like Donnie Darko and Stand by Me had a baby and that baby grew up to save the world at twelve years old and with bitchin' 1980s hair. I want more.
"There is a self-loathing that comes with knowing you are soft, breakable, unprepared. And there are two ways you can deal with that. You can cry into your cornflakes and accept it, or you can remake yourself."