I 💘this series. Paris and books with well written mysteries. The main character is great.
I 💘this series. Paris and books with well written mysteries. The main character is great.
Enjoyed this one, although it took a while. I definitely have a much better understanding of World war II and everything that led up to it. I'd recommend it although it kept me going rather than sucking me in which is why it took a while.
I think I may have to stop reading books by Mr. Brown. Too formulaic or at least they all feel the same. This one had some particularly unbelievable moments.
Paris and the booksellers on the banks of the Seine? What's not to like? Interesting characters as well. A perfect read for January. 👍
Enjoyed this one. Interesting characters who develop nicely.
I tried to get through this and some of it was good. But when the main character started romantic relationships with a mother and daughter it seemed like such a cliche of middle aged manhood, I couldn't finish the book. Garp and Owen Meaney are wonderful and original. This not so much.
Loved it. Received it for Christmas and read it in one day. Pullman does a great job of creating heroes we love. One of my favorite authors. I already wonder when the next one will come out. 💘💘💘💘
I need to return this, it's way overdue. But an excellent and fascinating read about the differences between eastern and western thinking.
I'm on page 167.
Texas, state-sized porkchop of misery.
Just finished London. All 1124 pages of it. Rutherford has quite a talent for both giving the big sweeps of history and personalizing it. He breaks the time into manageable chunks, following a few families through the millennium. I also read Sarum quite a few years ago and enjoyed that as well. I was entertained to see a large display of new editions of his work in Costco yesterday. Apparently he's trendy.
Just managed to slog through the audio book. Now I remember why I never finished it. In the second book Jondolar seems like a dream come true. In this one he's a whiny little b*. The only thing that kept me going were the descriptions of what life might have been like back in the ice age. Also Ayla apparently invents all sorts of things... the Heimlich manoeuvre.. Needles, the list goes on. I don't want to listen to descriptions of his manhood.
Enjoyed this one, though perhaps not as much as the first one. Still impressed with the world the author has created.
Jazzy cat is a lovely reading companion.
I really liked this one. It's not Real Simple if that's what you're looking for. But it does discuss how your brain functions and how to work with it to be more organized. It improved my abilities to stay on top of my job. It isn't perfect - last part dragged a bit. But overall I found it to be really useful.
Look what Macy's is using to sell shoes.
Jazzy enjoyed hanging out while I read this one. I loved it. Interesting world. Good characters. I've had a hard time finding a new read that immediately sucked me in and this definitely did. Now I have to get the next one. And there's an older series set in the same world that I get to dig into next. Very excited.
I enjoyed the start of this one but I think it's just going to be lots of rat stories, which shouldn't surprise me given the title.
Love this one so much. I'm re-reading this yet again.
One of my favorite books/series EVER!!! I reread this every year or so.
I've had friends who loved this one. I couldn't handle the descriptions of child abuse in the foster care system. Otherwise I think I would have enjoyed it.
Loved this one. A favorite from the past few years.
Liked this one. Enjoyed all of the eighties references. I'm definitely looking forward to the movie. Should be really good.
Loved this one, particularly as an audiobook (the actress did a great job). It really brought the time period and early days of British tv alive, even not knowing all of the references. My one criticism is with one final section of the book which is set long after the main part of the story. I sort of wish it had ended after the biographies of the main characters. But over all, it was lovely and I would strongly recommend.
I listened to this one and loved hearing the author's own voice, particularly since she has such a distinctive style. Totally would suggest listening over reading this one. It really gave me a sense of what the revolutionary war was like. And I laughed outloud a couple off times.
I read this back in high school and have been moving it around for decades. Glad I read it again. Had to tape up the cover. Good story. Excellent heroine. It's similar to The Blue Sword by Robin McKinley.
Exactly what I need right now. Every Christmas I read a collection of Regency Christmas stories. It gets me in the mood for the holidays.