Weekend read. This one has been sitting on my shelf for years, my own anxiety keeping me from starting another book about mental illnesses, but it's time to give it a chance. 💛 #allthebrightplaces #jenniferniven #youngadult #ya #summereading
Weekend read. This one has been sitting on my shelf for years, my own anxiety keeping me from starting another book about mental illnesses, but it's time to give it a chance. 💛 #allthebrightplaces #jenniferniven #youngadult #ya #summereading
Sunday evening reading! 💜 What did you read this weekend? #sarahdessen #onceandforall #ya
My weekend is all booked. 📚
I've started all of these at one point or another, I plan on actually finishing them in July!
What are you reading this month?
"I know this feeling of being a ghost in your own life - no one sees you, no one feels you, so you stay still as if you could actually disappear at any moment." ?
Still working on #WhenWeCollided, I had to put it down and recollect myself after a chapter hit home.
What are you reading?
"Just because you can‘t experience everything doesn‘t mean you shouldn‘t experience anything." ?
"My cheeks are wet, but oh, my heart—it is so full." ? This book! I've been reading it for 3 months. Taking it in slowly. Not sure I'm ready for it to end.
#book #yabook #yareads #bookworm #readinglist #booklover #yalit #chicklit #currentlyreading #emerylord #whenwecollided
It's easy for a book to tug at my heartstrings and make me feel emotional and sad, but it's unusual for one to make me cry. This book did exactly that. There were tears. So many tears! A personal experience of mine still feels fresh and Second Chance Summer took emotions and feelings I haven't been able to explain and put them into words beautifully. Definitely a book I won't forget.
"Love isn‘t all we need—love is all there is."
#ya #youngadult
"I just hugged him and didn't say anything. There wasn't anything to say. Sometimes there just aren't enough words to fill the cracks in your heart." ❤️
Ever had a book steal your heart? This one stole mine. I was so captivated by Emmy & Oliver. I read it in one sitting, couldn't put it down.
#ya #youngadult #yabook
Oh, the Broken Hearts and Revenge series. 😳
I wanted to throw the books of this series out the window more times than I'd like to admit, but I couldn't put them down because I needed to know what happened. 😜 #ya #youngadult #katiefinn
"My dark days made me strong. Or maybe I already was strong, and they made me prove it." ?
This is one of those books that I read extremely slow because I really don't want it to end.
(Also, I'm still not sure I'm using @Litsy correctly. ?)
#youngadult #ya #emerylord #whenwecollided
These have been on my to-read list for a while & since summer is here, I finally get to get lost in them! Starting with the one that hits close to home. #ya #youngadult #toread #bookstack
"She never looked nice. She looked like art, and art wasn't supposed to look nice; it was supposed to make you feel something." ? #youngadult #ya