The name they gave us is a very interesting book and you can reach me out on brainmich4264@gmail.com so as to share more ideas
The name they gave us is a very interesting book and you can reach me out on brainmich4264@gmail.com so as to share more ideas
This is a phenomenal book. You have to read it. I was on a rollercoaster and I can never explain how i liked it but i did. I HATED Vivi then I LOVED her then i felt everything in between these two feelings for her. The writer did a great job with this book. She made me feel happy, sad, ecstatic and fall in and out of love throughout the whole book and I'm really grateful to see that there are books now that talk about mental health.
My Black Friday Book Outlet order finally showed up! This was me showing some self control and not adding more books to this order! 📚💜📚💜📚💜
Hiii guysss it's been so long since I last used Litsy!! I am so excited to be back on it ughhh❤️❤️❤️
Also, did anyone else feel that this is such a cringey read?
I mean I am no judge tbh since I haven't finished this yet. But I can't seem to help the visible cringe I have when I am reading about the main character's actions, like honestly...why can't you just be normal... 😂
...they made me prove it.
#MarchIntoThe70s Day 21: Vivi Alexander is vibrant with a thousand things going on all at once in her mind, as she takes on life in a Vespa and incandescent colours, throwing her pills ever-so-casually into the sea – because she does not want her capacity to absorb everything around her diminished. Naturally, there is a summer romance waiting to happen as she has a #HungryHeart. My review: https://wp.me/pDlzr-eRh
Happy first day of Spring!!!! I‘m so ready for flowers, warm weather, and outdoor walking!!! Do you guys look forward to anything specific this time of year?
#springaesthetic #pastels #pastelbooks #bookstack #flowers #timebetweenus #tamarastone #asidescended #robintalley #whenwecollided #emerylord #theboymostlikelyto #huntleyfitzpatrick #shinybrokenpieces #girlmadeofstars
“That's the thing they never tell you about love stories: just because one ends, that doesn't mean it failed.
This quote speaks to me on so many levels now that I've started to look at past relationships positively. Books do so much good to your soul, I'll forever cherish this one. ❤️
✨I just love #whenwecollided by #emerylord ! It‘s one of my favorite books and I highly recommend this one. I haven‘t read any other books by her yet. If you have, what did you think?✨
Rich characters with depth, families with their rawness and quirks, and a setting that pulls it all together.
The fabulous @Booksandcooks is having a #giveaway to celebrate an insane milestone. #7777giveaway
This was my most recent 5 star book. It was so good!!
#congrats on the milestone!
This hit close to home. I lost my dad 4 years ago. My mom is still a mess and refuses to seek help. I have worked for 15 years in the hospital he passed away in. I have to walk in here every day remembering that. So similar to the facets of this story, I almost cried a few times. And that ending! I liked the characters and the flow of the story. This is not usually a type of book I enjoy and I'm impressed with it. This one will hurt for a while.
End of summer views. #currentlyreading #stackedup
I just talked to Year 9 girls for 45 minutes about contemporary fiction. Firstly, it was quick, short and so surface. But they listened and gifted me with this awesome #keepcup. I was nervous and probably babbled too much. #presentation #yaliterature #shiftingcareers
I really enjoyed it but explaining why is another matter. The romance element was pretty typical YA. I didn't mind the fact it was a bit instalove-y as it felt like a reflection of Vivi's character, not the same old trope - the ending helped, too. Where it excelled was the depiction of mental illness; the narration really captured the energy and growing lack of control.
#yacontemporary #diversereads #mentalillness #yalit #yareads
I rated this book 4 stars and it's definitely one of my favorite contemporaries. A whole review for this will be up on my website so don't forget to check it out ;) www.theperksofbeingdhruv.wordpress.com ❤❤
"And I know that making Vivi pie isn't going to fix what she's going through.
But the point is that trying to make things better sometimes makes us better, too. The point is I'm trying to create good things in the midst of the bad. Grief or no grief.
And in my case, it's still somewhere in between."
~ Jonah ?
#WhenWeCollided #EmeryLord #bloomsbury #illumicrate #yalit #ya #contemporary #quote #viviwashere #claimyourdays #booklover #booknerdigans
"I drink coffee for the taste, of course, since caffeine is the last thing I need. Most of the things I do in life are for flavor, not necessity."
~ Vivi ?
#WhenWeCollided #EmeryLord #bloomsbury #illumicrate #yalit #ya #contemporary #quote #viviwashere #claimyourdays #booklover #booknerdigans #recommendation
3.5 stars. It would have been 4 but certain things irritated me. I did have a little sob towards the end of the book, which is rare! I wish there was more Jonah, I feel as if I only half know him. Like Vivi's personality was so big that he didn't really get time to shine through. I really hope someday in the future (while Vi is stepping across lily pads of stars) that they collide but this time latch on!
#booklover #bibliophile #ya #epicreads
"I know this feeling of being a ghost in your own life - no one sees you, no one feels you, so you stay still as if you could actually disappear at any moment." ?
Still working on #WhenWeCollided, I had to put it down and recollect myself after a chapter hit home.
What are you reading?
During the summer my favorite thing to read is contemporaries. So far I haven't read that many contemporaries, but being honest I haven't read that many books this year. Hopefully that'll change soon since it is now officially the beginning of summer.
Have an ALMIGHTY Day!
- Melissa & Wilmarilys
#whenwecollided #emorylord #summerreads
"My cheeks are wet, but oh, my heart—it is so full." ? This book! I've been reading it for 3 months. Taking it in slowly. Not sure I'm ready for it to end.
#book #yabook #yareads #bookworm #readinglist #booklover #yalit #chicklit #currentlyreading #emerylord #whenwecollided
@krismac outdid herself with these amazing books, pens and notepad she sent me for the #summersantagoespostal book exchange. I LOVE them all. You're so sweet!! I can't wait to read them all. I also kept the beautiful wrapping paper to use as scrap pages in my art journal.
"My dark days made me strong. Or maybe I already was strong, and they made me prove it." ?
This is one of those books that I read extremely slow because I really don't want it to end.
(Also, I'm still not sure I'm using @Litsy correctly. ?)
#youngadult #ya #emerylord #whenwecollided
Oh ❤️my ❤️goodness ❤️SO much love for this book. I generally have zero interest in novels with mental illness as a subject and had I known, would not have read this. Thank the stars I didn't know. It was sooooo good!!
This should be my #afternoonreading, but someone has other plans. 😝 #dogsoflitsy
This book is...SO GOOD!!! If you even remotely like Contemporary YA, don't miss this one. These teens are so amazing, I love them both!
This is #tbr short stack. Of course there are many more lol #splashintosummerreads
Updated my print reading journal today with some recent reads. (I also have a journal page per book for detailed thoughts and stats)
I should be doing this giant pile of laundry, but my copy of "When We Collided" just came in on OverDrive. So, no.
This book is sooo good! I love the real life challenges that the characters face. I like that she was in a relationship with the whole family and she helped them through their hard times.