Finished this book in 3 hours! Love it, obvi! ✌️
You would think reading Faulkner wouldn't be entertaining but taking a graduate course on his work has really given me a new appreciation for southern lit.
I'm not sure how to describe this book. It was a fast read, enjoyable but I found myself puzzled at certain aspects of the storytelling - mainly because it unexpectedly shifts from reality to fantasy and then back to reality without any explanation or fluidity.
Such a page turner! Suspenseful in all of the right places. Will definitely listen to the actual audio ("tapes" can be found on YouTube)
As a future English teacher .. read this book for my YA Lit class. It was fantastic! Couldn't put the book down. Book tells the story from the perspective of three young boys who deal with being gay.. not to mention love, loss, acceptance, and so much more.