“When put that way, it sounds rather like magic, doesn‘t it?” 🥰
“When put that way, it sounds rather like magic, doesn‘t it?” 🥰
One down, so many wonderful plays to go! The Tempest was way more fun than I was expecting, it reminded me how much I truly love the Bard! Onto the next 💚
I haven't been on litsy in aaaaages, but a broken foot means way more time for all things books!! Luckily there's always the Chronicles of Elantra series to make me happy about (or at least ok with) not being able to walk much ❤️📚
Because once in a while the best thing to do is ditch work and read a whole book in an afternoon #nostalgia #hp
An interesting stroll into Canada's recent(ish) history, not my normal type of book but it's great to branch out and learn some new things #nonficnovember #ilovecanada