this month‘s #bookcaseclub picks! I‘ve read Blood Fury before, and Reincarnation Blues sounds so great—definitely going on my never ending TBR list!
this month‘s #bookcaseclub picks! I‘ve read Blood Fury before, and Reincarnation Blues sounds so great—definitely going on my never ending TBR list!
the enemies-to-friends-to-lovers progression of this book is fkn perfection. we get to witness these two completely different, headstrong men falling in love with each other. I love that I was kept on my toes reading this. There were times when I thought I knew exactly what was going to happen, and then the plot TWISTS right out from underneath me!
5/5. CS Pacat is a GENIUS, and I owe her so much for writing these characters. ♥️
my #bookcaseclub for this month!
my box is romance themed (duh). i‘ll be adding these to my {never ending} to-read list!!
#bcc #bccunboxing #romance #pr #toread #newbooks
page 245.
laurent and damen talking after they had just taken ravenel. this is such a big moment for them with all of their unspoken history lurking in the background and the regent looming in the future. together, against all odds, they took an impregnable fort!
also, i love how boyish and playful laurent is here! standing in front of damen all smug and cute like, “how do you like my fort??” ugh 😍
#laurentofvere #damenofakielos #princesgambit
getting a pedicure, reading, and laughing out loud because magnus is extremely salty in this book!
#themortalinstruments #shadowhunters #magnusbane #daddymangus #selfcare
“everything changes in my life, and the world stays the same, Clary thought.”
man, do i feel this on the REALIST level.
magnus bane has ZERO CHILL.
i see you, hidden #malec.
#mortalinstruments #shadowhunters #daddies #magnusisthirsty #butprobssoisalec
“rule number one of anime,” simon said. he sat propped up against a pile of pillows at the foot of his bed, a bag of potato chips in one hand and the tv remote in another. he was wearing a black t-shirt that said I BLOGGED YOUR MOM and a pair of jeans with a hole ripped in one knee. “never screw with a blind monk.”
“probably because going around and around inside a dryer can be fatal,” jace pointed out, “whereas pasta is rarely fatal. unless isabelle makes it.”
a good book on the beach is all i need.
“the young man blocking the doorway was a tall and thin as a rail, his hair a crown of dense black spikes. he was asian, with an elegantly high-cheekboned, handsome face, broad shouldered despite his slim frame. he was certainly dressed for a party, in tight jeans and a black shirt covered with dozens of metal buckles. his eyes were crusted with a raccoon mask of charcoal glitter, his lips painted a dark shade of blue.”
“unfortunately,” said hodge, “we‘re all out of bitter revenge at the moment, so it‘s either tea or nothing.”
so far, i‘m liking book-hodge way more than show-hodge.
#mortalinstruments #shadowhunters
“Lots of people have bad stories, and if they wail and sob and tell their story to anyone who‘ll listen, it‘s crap. Or half crap, at least. The stuff that really hurts people, the stuff that almost breaks them...that they won‘t talk about. Ever.”
I will always appreciate Phury and how gentle he is and everything he‘s gone through. He‘s such a male of worth! ❤️❤️ #blackdaggerbrotherhood #phurysonofahgony