i can so relate to this lol.
#thebestofus #sarahpekkanen #anxiety #dontworrybehappy #summerreading
i can so relate to this lol.
#thebestofus #sarahpekkanen #anxiety #dontworrybehappy #summerreading
deeply regretting not grabbing this gem from John K. King Used Books! has anyone read it? 😂
i had a chance to visit John K. King Books in detroit last week and could have spent all day there! 4 floors of literary heaven! i even found “the ship who sang”—one the very first sci-fi novels i read as a kid! 🤤🥰
#bookstore #usedbooks #johnkking #johnkkingbookstore #booksfordays #detroit #annemccaffrey
i‘m working harder to be a radiator! which are you?
#jojomoyes #thepeacockemporium #summerreading
Love this quote I found in “The Goodbye Witch”—very thought-provoking! #heatherblake #thegoodbyewitch #wishcraftmystery #longfellow #stars #cozymystery
My view at the barber shop! Waiting for a cut for my son and hoping to finish this monster before our trip this weekend! 🤞🏼✈️ #davideddings #magiciansgambit #readeverywhere
Clearly my best-loved series! Anne has had a profound impact on my life, as you can see! What book/series means the most to you? #anneofgreengables #lmmontgomery #belovedheroines
Super loving rereading this gem! My wonderful aunt gifted the series to me as a teen and each book had a profound impact on me. Reading through the series again is making me incredibly nostalgic! 💕 #davideddings #belgariad #queenofscorcery #summerreading
“Kindred spirits are not so scarce as I used to think. It's splendid to find out there are so many of them in the world.” #anneofgreengables