Brand new concept in the SciFi genre. Bit of a slow burn with a Big Bang finish. I can't wait for the next book. 4/5 ⭐️s #GenesiCode #FemaleBadass
Brand new concept in the SciFi genre. Bit of a slow burn with a Big Bang finish. I can't wait for the next book. 4/5 ⭐️s #GenesiCode #FemaleBadass
"We should learn from flowers, earthly stars which spend their entire lives shining, shining and growing despite all the difficulties they encounter. They know how to listen and understand the whispers of time, for it is an eternal friend that teaches the importance of friendship and sparkling hope."
-Nur Bedeir
"Deep in the meadow
Under the willow
A bed of grass
A soft green pillow
Lay down your head
And close your eyes
And when they open
The sun will rise"
#TheHungerGames #SuzanneCollins #RuesLullaby
I'm wrung out! The complete truth hidden in such a relatable story has amazed me. This is a story of a girl. The story of an artist. A story about anxiety. A story about being a person & all the strange things in life, whether monstrous or magical, whether your heart pounds because of happiness or fear. I love this book, it's very real characters, and the message: you are not alone, you can survive, as long as you keep trying one day at a time.
noun: bibliophile; plural noun: bibliophiles
a person who collects or has a great love of books.
a person who loves or collects books, especially as examples of fine or unusual printing, binding, or the like.
Mira, of the Glittering Court, is a war refugee fighting injustice her own way. Learning fancy etiquette by day and donning a mask at night to fight evil and corruption with none the wiser. She is my #CleverGirl
“The reason the beasts live among themselves is that Man is the weakest and most defenseless of all living things,” ― Rudyard Kipling, The Jungle Book
"You do not fear...You do not falter. You do not yield."
-A Court of Wings and Ruin, Sarah J Maas
This is my motivating quote today. I'm going grocery shopping and also getting some wine. Rhysand give me strength!
Nope, not a beach, I'm landlocked. This 'inventive sand' otherwise known as a volleyball pit. 😂
So this was one of the books in the June Owlcrate and I DEVOURED it in one sitting. @authorkaylaolson has written such an amazing feast of dystopian adventure and survival. The premise is so interesting and from the first page I was hooked. It's a sort of Handmaid's Tale meets Lost and I loved it!
“What we think to be our greatest weakness can sometimes be our biggest strength.” -
"Only you can decide what breaks you” -
"You belong to all of us, and we belong to you.”
"Kindness can thrive even amongst cruelty.”
The quotes are strong with this one. Some of my favourite sayings and helpful quotes have come from the ACOTAR series. This gorgeous double-sided bookmark has my favourite quote from A Court of Wings and Ruin. #ACOWAR
“Nolite te bastardes carborundorum. Don't let the bastards grind you down.”
― Margaret Atwood, The Handmaid's Tale
#BookishMug #EvieBookish #LibrarianReader
Dimple chewed on this, impressed in spite of herself. He actually had a valid point. Why was Christianity always the default?
"Ah." She nodded, pushing her glasses up on her nose. "So what you're saying is, you're like a Jehovah's Witness for our people."
Rishi's mouth twitched, but he nodded seriously. "Yes. I'm Ganesha's Witness. Has a bit of a ring to it, don't you think?"
Pg 142 Great quote