This book is blowing my brains out. Like actually. Holy crap. 💎💎💎
"I'm learning so many different ways to be quiet." #milkweededitions
"This book is also for the girls who still seem, as they did in Virginia Woolf's time, so fearfully depressed."
"There were things about having a body that were extra hard on her friend."
"We can do things other characters can't, like eat sorrow, un-birth secrets and have theatrical battles with language and God."
"(And sometimes I feel ashamed of this whole episode, how it must look to you or anyone outside. But just by doing it I'm giving myself the freedom of seeing from the inside out. I'm not driven anymore by other people's voices. From now on it's the world according to me.)"
"If you really love a writer, bury her in all your awful and watch as she scrawls her way out."
Holy rabbits, this book is wrecking me. Exquisite. #unnamedpress
And if it is inopportune/ for you that I lack a soul,/ in me you can instill one/ of the many you have captured:/ for since I gave her soul to you/ and my being names itself yours,/ [...] / you are the soul of this body,/ and the body of this shadow.