Managed a whopping 9 pages of this before giving up on it. Not my style at all and I've no other book with me today 😥
Managed a whopping 9 pages of this before giving up on it. Not my style at all and I've no other book with me today 😥
Slightly disappointed with this audio prequel to The Ship. a solid story, but it didn't add much to what we already know about this particular dystopian version of Britain. (I've tagged The Ship as The Time Being doesn't seem to pop up in Litsy's catalogue!)
Struggling a bit with this one. I'm finding the characters hard to related to, and there are bits of late 90s Ireland that don't ring true to the experiences I had, which throws me a bit. I was tempted to abandon it but as I'm over half way through I'll keep going.
Zipped through this story of personal diaries found in a skip and mostly enjoyed it. Felt the focus was on the biographer himself a little too much though.
Who knew that academic famine jokes were a thing?? "The best joke about revionists is that we believe that the cause of the deaths during the Great Famine was anorexia nervosa." ??
I've been recommended this series by so many people but I just don't love it 😕 An alright read, but definitely not one of my favourites.