Just reading Children of Dune by a waterfall on campus! Oh the irony!
Just reading Children of Dune by a waterfall on campus! Oh the irony!
I really liked the book but gave it a so-so rating because of author‘s writing style. At times it was hard to stay focused while reading. The structure seemed scattered. I think it could have had more substance/material too. I am planning on reading the other two books.
I have heard nothing but great things about this book! I am super excited to read it!!!
Never did I think I would enjoy a book about whaling! Excellent read! I highly recommend it! The movie isn‘t bad either.
So you go to the bookstore and you search and search for that one book to take home. If you‘re like me you take more than one book home. My point is you take a book home with you in hopes that it will satisfy. No one wants to read a bad book. Well folks! This book does not disappoint! I thoroughly enjoyed it!
I‘ve made it a point to read a book about each and everyone of our presidents. This book was highly entertaining and did not disappoint. On to Killing Patton!
A really good read. It doesn't bog you down with gory details like some history books can do. I plan on reading more books by Mr. Ellis!
I've waited 3 days for this book! I know that doesn't seem like a long time but trust me, waiting those three days felt like an eternity.
I thoroughly enjoyed this book, from the first sentence to the last! I never thought I would say that a Malfoy (Scorpius) would be a favorite character. Just wish there would have been a few more acts. Now I NEED a book about the marauders!
Such a great book! Diana Gabaldon is a great author and her passion for the highland culture is evident in her works! The Outlander series is my new favorite series!!! Tomorrow I buy book 3!!!!