By far, the best quote in this book. My favorite. So inspirational.
By far, the best quote in this book. My favorite. So inspirational.
About to start this book, after just finishing Tuesdays with Morrie.... What am I getting myself into?
When I first started this book, I knew it was about burning books and it broke my heart. However, when Montag realizes the beauty behind books and wants to save them, I loved this book. I found it sad that Clarisse had passed, but I loved the way she provoked thought in Montag and set him on his path of redemption (in my eyes)
This was a quick read but so enjoyable! Even though it was set in Southside Chicago during a time where a hard working family was struggling to get by, its relatable even today. I really enjoyed it.
It was a good story, with a sad ending considering everything Axl and Beatrice went through, but if I wasn't sitting in a quite place to read it I was easily distracted from the book. It was the first book I've read from kazo ishiguro and I'm usually leary about new authors that I've never heard of before. I'd recommend it if you're to have a lazy weekend with no interruptions but if you try to read it while adulting, it's going to take a while.