Conan Doyle phoning it in after Reichenbach. Still fun, but not AS fun as the earlier stories. I'll probably come back to it later.
Conan Doyle phoning it in after Reichenbach. Still fun, but not AS fun as the earlier stories. I'll probably come back to it later.
A great example of a photoethnography. Demonstrates a variety of ethnographic approaches. Ties the personal experiences of homeless heroin addicts to a larger social context, illustrating how social and institutional forces contribute to addiction and homelessness.
A straightforward guide to parenting that validated my instincts with research. A lot of people seem to stress over perfecting attachment parenting, but this book doesn't instill the desire to do that. It's more about considering your child's needs with empathy, and less about being the perfect breastfeeding, baby-wearing, bedsharing crunchy granola parent (though it does provide support for all of those activities).
I love the Unfuck Your Habitat website and Tumblr, but needed something more linear to help me really implement this stuff. So I requested an ARC on NetGalley. The book has mini-challenges to get you started taking action. This is the before-and-after for my first challenge.
You will, eventually, write your way out of your personal conundrum.