I so enjoyed Sound of Things Falling that I had to get more of his books. Another read for #readaroundtheworld #colombia #colombianauthors So far I am enjoying this one too.
I so enjoyed Sound of Things Falling that I had to get more of his books. Another read for #readaroundtheworld #colombia #colombianauthors So far I am enjoying this one too.
This book has been on my to read pile for roughly over 10 years. Thanks to #readaroundtheworld I am finally tackling it. I was adopted out of Colombia at 2 months old. One of my recent trips back I got these baby photos of me which I had never seen before. I think I've avoided this book because if I wasn't adopted, this could've been my life. #colombia #colombian
While a fascinating read, I'm pretty sure this book was the reason for my messed up nightmares last night lol
It's only usually a minute or two from when I finish a book until I start a new one. On deck is this book for #braincandypodcastbookclub
Wow. I loved this book. I folded over some many pages because of the profound sentences and ideas to think about. I love the ending. I think I found a new favorite author.
I can't stop reading this book. I need to sleep but I can't because it is so captivating! Chronicle of a Death Foretold was pretty good. A quick read. But Sound of things falling is getting me in touch with the city I was born in and it's making me feel very alive and in touch with the mysterious city and country I was adopted out of at 2 months old. #colombia #readaroundtheworld