FINALLY finished this book. It was a long read. Hard to follow. But not awful. It probably would‘ve been better if I hadn‘t dragged it out for so long.
FINALLY finished this book. It was a long read. Hard to follow. But not awful. It probably would‘ve been better if I hadn‘t dragged it out for so long.
Super excited to start reading this one.
SO GOOD. Long story short - Southern charm with a little mystery & a lot of real life. I don‘t think I quite understood what this book is about when I started reading it. I expected some kind of love story - and it is, but not what I expected. Nor did I expect the murder. Somehow missed that little detail. Either way, I highly recommend reading this beautiful & beautifully written story.
OH MY GOSH. The twist in this story - AMAZING. I seriously could not put this book down. 🙌🏻
The plot twist 😫😍 I was not expecting the beautiful turn this story took. My heart is still reeling.
Also known as “how to be less socially awkward & actually talk to people without seeming like a complete weirdo.” Much needed.
Every word kept my attention. YES 🙌🏻🙌🏻🙌🏻 Reid so simply goes from story to story. & the stories! Amazing. Truly beautiful.
Years ago, I read "Something Borrowed," & absolutely fell in love with Emily Giffin's writing. This past Christmas, my husband Jonathon, gifted me this lovely piece, as well as "Baby Proof." I'm so excited to see where everyone is now!
Though I'm a football fan, keeping up with the lingo was nearly exhausting. I had to stop reading several times through the first half just to stay focused. The last third of the book is where it finally picks up & the story is focused.
So. Much. Football. Lingo. I'm 127 pages in & wishing for more about Shea & Ryan.
Oh. My. Goodness. This story is beautiful. There's so much love & heartbreak & love. If you have not read this yet, please do - & look for a love like Sam's. What an incredible man - & don't worry, that's not a spoiler. Just the truth. 😭😍💕💜 absolutely beautiful.
Can you imagine what that would be like?!
The way Rayner jumps between past & present can be awfully confusing.
Oh my goodness. I'm only a couple chapters into this book. It's absolutely heartbreaking but inspiring...a reminder of how we're all connected in this little world we live in.
This book is absolutely wonderful. Yes, it is a tale of infidelity & heartbreak, but my goodness it is well worth the read.
James probably should have stopped with the second book. This one is a bit of a mess. It's all over the place! & Grey's asshole tendencies shine through brighter than ever...it is heartbreaking. There is comfort, however, in seeing how their love pans out.
Much like the first book, I laughed a bit, as well as "why the fuck" -ed. I enjoyed this book more than the first, as Grey's crumbling walls became more visible.
Though I admit I laughed my way through the majority of the book, I found Grey intriguing. His psychological "fucked up" -ness kept my attention. I longed [pun intended] to know just how this man became the "fifty shades of fucked up" that he accurately claims to be.