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Joined April 2016

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Game of Thrones by George R R Martin
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Nightwatching: A Novel by Tracy Sierra
My Murder | Katie Williams
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I LOVED this! It was so unique and I wasn‘t really sure what to expect. In a world where people can be cloned and therefore sort of brought back from the dead, this group of women who were killed by a serial killer are given a second chance. However, like in most stories, not everything is as it seems. This ended up being more touching drama and less thriller and I can‘t say I‘m mad at it. I loved the blend of science and emotion. 🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟

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I have somewhat mixed feelings about this one. There were some truly creepy parts that had me glued to the story, but it was also somewhat hard to follow as an audiobook because there were just so many people to keep track of. Half the time I wasn‘t really sure what was going on and just had to keep listening until I picked up the thread again. Overall it wasn‘t bad but I think I would have preferred it as a physical book. 🌟🌟🌟💫

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One Perfect Couple | Ruth Ware
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This is a soft pick for me. I love the premise of the story - a reality show gone terribly wrong - and I enjoy Ruth Ware‘s writing style, however I honestly didn‘t find this very mysterious or thrilling. It‘s clear really quickly who the “bad guy” is and after that it‘s just about survival. The ending also just felt meh to me and there weren‘t any big reveals or shocks, which would have made it better in my opinion. Middle of the road. 🌟🌟🌟💫

The Other Mothers | Katherine Faulkner
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This was deliciously twisted and twisty! I liked this much more than the author‘s 1st book. I love these sorts of domestic dramas/rich people behaving badly and this was a solid example of that sort of sub genre. This is more than a murder mystery, however, and I liked the focus on postpartum issues mothers can have as well as on mothers whose passions can lie outside the home as well. Good audiobook and good story overall! 🌟🌟🌟🌟💫

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The Husbands | Holly Gramazio
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We all read a lot of books and, when you do that, it often starts to feel like there aren‘t many original concepts to read about. THIS was definitely original! It starts abruptly and ends just the same, and I‘m not sure what the purpose or meaning of it all was supposed to be, but it was an interesting ride. I‘d definitely read more from this author! 🌟🌟🌟🌟

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The Couple Next Door | Shari Lapena
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These people were BANANAS 🤣!!! I don‘t think there was one character, except maybe the police officers, who weren‘t shady little liars. I love unreliable characters but this was almost too much. You can‘t believe anything they say or do so you can‘t really guess where the storyline is going. If you just go along with the ride, which is what I ended up doing, it was a wild ride that I enjoyed. 🌟🌟🌟🌟

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Definitely not my favorite Stephen King collection but still a soft pick. My favorite stories were Rattlesnakes and The Answer Man. Rattlesnakes was by far the scariest story to me and had that great combo of terror and the supernatural I love. The Answer Man was just plain creepy! The rest were ok but not really all that “dark” to me. Will still read everything he writes 🤣! 🌟🌟🌟

Murder Road | Simone St. James
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This felt very different than other St. James books I‘ve read but I still really enjoyed it! The audiobook narrator was superb and there were a few times she really had me spooked (at one point she actually whispers and I got chills!). The story is pretty far fetched but I didn‘t even care…I just went along with the action and enjoyed every minute! 🌟🌟🌟🌟

After Annie: A Novel | Anna Quindlen
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This is a very lite pick for me. I‘ve loved a few of this author‘s novels but this one felt really removed and, while touching, just didn‘t draw me in like I would have liked. Also, and this might seem small, but all 3 of the main female characters had such similar names that it was hard to keep clear while listening to the audiobook (Annie, Ally, and Ann Marie). Still, it was well written and I‘d definitely read more by this author. 🌟🌟🌟

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I loved this audiobook! It wasn‘t exactly what I was expecting - more mental illness/family drama and less straight up horror or thriller (not that it was supposed to be, it‘s just what I was expecting) - and I think that‘s what I ended up liking most. It had some real heart to it although I can‘t say I particularly liked any of the characters, which doesn‘t bother me! And there‘s just something about a British accent I love! 🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟

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So excited for all 3 of these books!! Finally #botm does not disappoint!!

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I got my July #bookspinbingo list ready in just the nick of time!

TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!! 4w
readmyeyes Love that journal! 4w
candc320 I love it too, @readmyeyes !! It‘s so handy!! 4w
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This story was not at all what I was expecting but I ended up liking it. It‘s got a romance thread running through that I didn‘t particularly enjoy but the supernatural elements were pretty cool! Who doesn‘t love a character who can heal things/make things grow just by singing?! A great audiobook as well! 🌟🌟🌟🌟

The Paradise Problem | Christina Lauren
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If you‘re looking for a summer vibes romance this is a perfect fit! While I‘ve never been a huge romance fan there‘s just something about a Christina Lauren novel that I just can‘t resist. The characters are funny and flawed and the story arc heartfelt if predictable. It was the perfect pallet cleanser for me! 🌟🌟🌟🌟💫

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Ghost Station | S.A. Barnes
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I loved this! I didn‘t love it quite a much as Dead Silence but it was a wild, scary ride for sure. If you love movies like Aliens or just space horror in general definitely pick this up! 🌟🌟🌟🌟

Let Him in | William Friend
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Perfect word for this book: creepy! I‘m still not positive about what was really happening. Did the twins make friends with some sort of demon? Were they just grieving their mother and confused about comments the adults around them said? Regardless weird stuff happened in that house and to this family and it was all very unsettling! 🌟🌟🌟🌟

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This was a great addition to this series! DC Morgan is once again solving a murder mystery in her small Welsh town, but this time it involves a reality tv show filming there. I loved this element and trying to piece together the puzzle of what happened and what secrets the contestants were trying to hide. Will definitely continue with the series! 🌟🌟🌟🌟

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This was a wild ride! I loved how they interspersed future news articles about bodies found in this house and accusations and rumors about our characters while we are watching everything unfold within the story. Some bonkers stuff happens and it‘s not exactly what you‘d call believable, but it was entertaining! 🌟🌟🌟🌟

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I have loved this series, some installments more than others, and I was both happy and sad when I read that this was to be “The Last Hope”. I loved that Maggie was back in Europe and fighting against the Nazis like in older books. I don‘t feel that it wrapped up the story sufficiently for me so I do hope there will be a future book. It would be a disservice if not. Good installment but not the best. 🌟🌟🌟💫

That's Not My Name | Megan Lally
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A solid YA mystery/thriller that seemed very cut and dry but still had a secret or two to surprise me with. Some aspects were easy to predict but the final twist was 😳🤯! Quick and definitely entertaining. 🌟🌟🌟🌟

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The Underground Library | Jennifer Ryan
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I know a lot of people are sick of WWII fiction but I still absolutely love it! This is a great installment, with lovely, realistic characters thrown into heartbreaking situations. It was a great audiobook with a lovely narrator and I just ate it up! 🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟

melissajayne It‘s not that I don‘t enjoy the genre, it‘s just some of the topics have been overdone 2w
candc320 @melissajayne I totally get that! I take breaks between books and read other genres to also help me not get bored with it. 2w
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BookSpinBingo | Untitled
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My #bookspin #bingo board is ready to go!

peanutnine Looks beautiful! 2mo
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I love C.J. Tudor and found this to be an original addition to vampire lore. In a world where vampires are a known thing a detective has to investigate the death of a boy and decide whether it was caused by one and therefore warrants the murder of the local group of vampires. It was dark and twisted and I enjoyed the audiobook a lot. I‘ll read anything this author writes! 🌟🌟🌟🌟

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Final review of the day (it‘s been like a marathon today 😆)! This was a fun whodunit with the added element of a podcast to really twist up your brain and make you doubt what you think happened. I actually loved the main character Lucy and couldn‘t help but hope she wasn‘t the murderer everyone seemed to think she was. The dialogue was great and the story really flowed well, especially given the short chapters. Definitely recommend! 🌟🌟🌟🌟

Ghost Station | S.A. Barnes
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My June #bookspin bingo list is ready to go!

TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!!! 2mo
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Nightwatching: A Novel | Tracy Sierra
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And finally…my summer reading stack! I thought making a physical stack would help me prioritize the books I want to read this summer, so we‘ll see 🤣. This doesn‘t include #botm picks or anything preordered but I‘m hoping to make it through all of these by the end of August!

One Perfect Couple | Ruth Ware
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I wasn‘t crazy about the main picks this month but I REALLY wanted the new Ruth Ware book so here we are 😆. I don‘t think I‘ve read a Peter Swanson book before so hopefully it‘s good. #BOTM needs to wow me in the next few months or I might be canceling my subscription 🥺.

LiteraryinLawrence I‘ve really liked Swanson‘s books in the past. Hope you do too! 2mo
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Quail Ridge Books | Raleigh, NC (Bookstore)
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Made it back to my favorite bookstore! It truly is gorgeous and the staff are soooo nice. I bought the two books above - both signed! - and the pretty tote I included in my last post. It‘s probably a good thing I don‘t live in Raleigh, NC because my wallet couldn‘t survive it 🤣!

McKay's -- Mebane | Mebane, NC (Bookstore)
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So I‘ve been out of town, which is why I have so many posts to do today 🤣. I went to visit my bestie in North Carolina for my birthday and we hit three bookstores! McKay‘s was amazing and I got the book stack above there for under $30! I didn‘t end up getting anything from Barnes and Noble (but I did explore 😍) and this super cute bag I got at my favorite indie bookstore (which I have separate pictures of). Best trip ever!

Her Little Flowers | Shannon Morgan
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I loved this story!! It‘s heartbreaking and beautiful and so well told. Going back and forth in time we get to see a family fall apart and siblings be mysteriously forgotten by the two remaining sisters. How could this happen? WHAT exactly happened? Keep reading and you‘ll find out! Loved it. 🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟

The Fury | Alex Michaelides
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I loved the way this was structured! You feel like you‘re having a conversation with a friend, with them confessing to a wild weekend and trying to bring you over to their side of the situation. But talk about an unreliable narrator! I couldn‘t have figured out where this was going if I tried my hardest! So fun and I definitely recommend the audiobook. 🌟🌟🌟🌟

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She Is a Haunting | Trang Thanh Tran
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I really wanted to love this one but, in the end, it was only ok for me. It‘s another story that‘s full of background and family dynamic and lighter on the horror. I tend to like my mystery/horror to be more thrilling and this just wasn‘t that. It is an interesting look at generational trauma and colonization and coming of age in a broken family. Not exactly what I was looking for but not bad. 🌟🌟🌟

The House that Horror Built | Christina Henry
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This was so disappointing. This is the 2nd Christina Henry book I‘ve read in about a month and I think her writing just isn‘t for me. The dialogue seems stilted and the characters one dimensional. There‘s so little horror and so much filler that I honestly started to skim so I could just figure out how it would end. And it ended just how I thought- so predictable! I did finish it, though, so there‘s that 🤷🏼‍♀️. 🌟🌟

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Ahhh this was HEARTBREAKING!! It wasn‘t hard to figure out what had happened from the very beginning but seeing how this one selfish act leads to just devastation for an entire family and more was powerful. It‘s nicely written and had great narrators. I found the ending bittersweet which just makes it feel that much more realistic. Highly recommend! 🌟🌟🌟🌟

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This was horrific in the best possible way! It is very dark - if you‘re someone who checks trigger warnings definitely do for this one - but it‘s another great example of a mix of the paranormal and a sort of time manipulation. It deals with grief and trauma and loss but somehow has a very satisfying ending. This is the 2nd or 3rd book I‘ve read from this author and I‘ve enjoyed them all! 🌟🌟🌟🌟💫

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Now THIS I enjoyed! It‘s pretty wild and I can‘t really say too much about the twists or it‘ll give a huge plot point away, but I will say that it‘s definitely a unique spin on the haunted house story. Beyond the sort of paranormal angle it‘s a look at motherhood and grief and losing oneself as you try to take care of others. It‘s creepy at times and all I can say is I thoroughly enjoyed it! 🌟🌟🌟🌟💫

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I really wanted to love this story but, overall, I found it kind of slow and boring. I loved most of the characters but not a whole lot actually happens. It could be that I would have enjoyed it more in a different mindset - I seem to mostly be able to really get into thrillers right now - but as it stands it was just ok. 🌟🌟🌟

The House that Horror Built | Christina Henry
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Recent book hauls! I found the top book in a #LFL near me and went and got the bottom books while out celebrating Mother‘s Day. They all seem like perfect Summer reads 😍. Happy Mother‘s Day to all that are celebrating 🎉 🥂 📚

The Haunting of Velkwood | Gwendolyn Kiste
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Another amazing listen! This was not at all what I was expecting. It truly is such a unique premise about a street where the actual homes and most of its residents seem to have disappeared (or have they?) and the few residents who weren‘t at home are trying to figure out what happened. It‘s also a tender look at love and loss and the secrets we hide from even ourselves. I‘ll be thinking about this one for a while! 🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟

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Good Girls Don't Die | Christina Henry
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Good Girls Don‘t Die has a truly unique and intriguing premise: what if you were “stuck” in your favorite murder/horror story genre? Would you follow the stereotypes or would you do the sensible things you say you‘d do from the comfort of your couch? Unfortunately my enjoyment of the story didn‘t go far past the cool premise. The characters were really annoying and pretty unlikable and the stereotypes were so heavy handed it became aggravating. ⬇️

candc320 Cont‘d: The story also took a weird turn into misogyny that I thought was truly overdone. Everything just felt over the top, and not in a good way. Not bad overall but disappointing given how cool this could have been. 🌟🌟🌟 3mo
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Meh 🤷🏼‍♀️. Kind of creepy, kind of annoying characters, kept my interest but didn‘t wow me. A true middle pick. 🌟🌟🌟. Satisfies my #tbrtarot (choose a book written by a male author) for May!

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I absolutely loved this! It was truly tragic and pretty horrific much of the time, but Sally was an amazing character. Seeing the complicated world through her eyes was illuminating and did take some of the sting out of the harder portions. But the truly awful parts were from someone else‘s POV but I don‘t want to say who and spoil it! I definitely recommend this but I‘d also recommend checking trigger warnings if you do that. 🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟

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Yellowface | R F Kuang
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This story was deliciously wicked! The narrator was quite adept at making excuses for her insane behavior and I was honestly gobsmacked at some of the rationale she used…it would have been comical at times if it wasn‘t so horrible. It was also really interesting getting an inside look at the publishing industry and the hypocrisy within it. I‘ve never read anything quite like it and I devoured it! 🌟🌟🌟🌟💫

First Lie Wins: A Novel | Ashley Elston
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I never could have guessed where this story was going! I didn‘t read the synopsis before starting so I had no idea what to expect. There definitely were a lot of twists, almost too many as it was sometimes hard to keep track as an audiobook (that can happen when characters have multiple names throughout the story 😆). I fun cat-and-mouse mystery! 🌟🌟🌟🌟

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This is my favorite Riley Sager book yet! It‘s so twisty and twisted, full of hidden connections and subterfuge. And who can resist a dilapidated old mansion ready to fall right off the face of the earth? Loved it! 🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟

BookSpinBingo | Untitled
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My #bookspinbingo picks are ready to go! @TheAromaofBooks

TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!!! 3mo
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The Women: A Novel | Kristin Hannah
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This is a soft pick for me. While I loved the first half of the book I found the back half, or maybe a little more, kind of dragged and was just filled with one drama after the other. I wish we had spent more time concentrating on the various women‘s experiences in Vietnam and less time with our main character‘s love life. But I do love Kristin Hannah‘s writing and the very end did redeem itself somewhat for me. 🌟🌟🌟💫

CatLass007 China Beach. It was an excellent TV series about women‘s experiences during and following the War in Vietnam. Should I buy the DVDs since it‘s not streaming anywhere or should I read this book? 3mo
candc320 @CatLass007 Ohhh I forgot all about China Beach!! I need to watch that….i don‘t remember much about it. Maybe watch it and read the book as a companion piece! 3mo
CatLass007 I encourage you to watch China Beach, especially if you don‘t remember much about it. It will be practically brand new to you. Thanks for the advice. 3mo
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Island Witch | Amanda Jayatissa
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I really, really wanted to love this book. It‘s got a unique premise, it‘s horror, and it‘s got that gorgeous cover. Unfortunately I found much of it kind of boring and it was really hard to follow as an audiobook. The ending really picked up and I loved that, but all in all I just didn‘t find it that scary or intriguing. 🌟🌟🌟

The Heiress: A Novel | Rachel Hawkins
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I‘ve enjoyed this author‘s novels before but I REALLY liked this one! This is my favorite of hers so far! Putting all the pieces together kept me listening to this audiobook, as did the great narration. The characters are all deliciously twisted and most are unlikable in the best possible way. Definitely recommend! 🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟

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No One Can Know: A Novel | Kate Alice Marshall
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Nothing mind blowing or particularly unique here. Nothing bad either, just middle of the road. As an audiobook with just one narrator it‘s kind of hard to keep track of all the characters and viewpoints and to be honest none of the characters seemed to really care what was happening or had happened in their pasts. The final twists was pretty interesting, though. If you like mysteries you might like this one. 🌟🌟🌟