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This book shows pictures on each page of Asian Americans who have done outstanding things. For example we see architects, astronauts, senators, activists, etc... It gives us a little blurb of information at the bottom of each page and tells us some important facts about each person.

laurenebailey14 -2019 APALA Award for Children's Literature
-the Parents' Choice Gold Medal
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This book tells the story of two friends, a dog and a cat. Catina wants to be a writer, and Houndsley wants to be a cook. They both realized they were not too good at what they wanted to do. Catina and Houndsley realized they did not need these talents to become happy but they just needed each others friendship.

laurenebailey14 - E.B White Read Aloud Award (2007)
- ALA Notable Children's Book
- Kirkus Reviews Best Children's Books
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When moving to California, Sylvia Mendez was excited about enrolling into her new school. Instead, her and her brothers were told to enroll into an all Mexican school. This confused Sylvia because she was an American citizen who spoke clear English. This story tells us about how the Mendez family brought efforts forward to bring an end to segregation, eventually leading to Brown v. Board of Education.

laurenebailey14 -2015 Pura Belpre
-2015 Tomas Rivera
- Robert F. Sibert book award
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Fry Bread describes to the reader what Fry Bread is, its shape, sound, color, flavor, history, where it originated, and much more. It tells us about what fry bread means to the Native American culture.

laurenebailey14 -Robert F. Sibert Award 2020
-Amazon.com Best Books of the Year.
-Kirkus Reviews Editor's Choice.
-NPR Best Book of the Year.
-Publishers Weekly Best Books of the Year.

While this book was okay, it lacked depth and interest from the readers standpoint. I would only recommend this book if you were to be making fry bread in class.
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This story tells us about a girl named Eugenie who loves sharks. Her mother buys her a fish tank that she is able to keep in her room. She did a lot of research on sharks and wanted to become a zoologist. She worked and worked on her knowledge about the sea and graduated with a degree. Eugenie was determined to get people to understand that sharks are not harmful.

laurenebailey14 - Chickadee award in 2019
- Amelia Bloomer book list 2018
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This book is written in Spanish and tell us the story of Carmens life as an artist, her family and the legends of her Aztec past. Each page shows a window of cut paper art.

laurenebailey14 - Pura Belpre Award, 2000 2y
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Bright Star | Yuyi Morales

This book follows a white tail deer and her mother living right next to the desert. The book takes us through the plants, animals, and insects that make the desert their home. It also mentions the people and things that travel through this part of the world.

laurenebailey14 - Pura Belpre Award in 2008 2y
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When Jessie Came Across the Sea | Amy Hest, P. J. Lynch

This book is about a girl named Jessie who gets chosen by her towns rabbi to hop on a boat and sail to America to find work. Her grandmother taught her how to sew before she left, which helps Jessie become a seamstress. Along her journey, she finds some friends along the way and regroups with her cousin Kay. Jessie finally meets back up with her grandmother who comes bearing gifts.

laurenebailey14 - ABC Children's Booksellers Choices Award, 1998
- ABBY Award, 1998
- Bisto Book of the Year Award, 1997
- English 4-11 Picture Book Award, 1998
- Kate Greenaway Medal, 1997
- Parents' Choice Award, 1997
- Sydney Taylor Book Award, 1997
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Jip: His Story | Katherine Paterson

This book is set in the 1850's and talks about a boy named Jip, who is an orphan and was abandoned as an infant. He was mistaken as a gypsy due to his skin color. He agrees to work on a poor farm until he found out what disturbing events were really going on there. Jip meets a best friend, and they hope for freedom and knowledge.

laurenebailey14 - Won the Scott O'Dell award in 1997 for historical fiction 2y
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Two teens, who are neighbors, are both dealing with tough news. One who is transgender, trying to cope, and one who is trying to come to terms with the death of a close one. As they spend the Summer together, they find love and support one another through everything.

laurenebailey14 - Whippoorwill Book Award in 2019 2y
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Pax | Sara Pennypacker

Pax tells us the story of a fox who is five years old and was left as a kit. Pax gets taken in by a boy named Peter. Peters mother passed away, leaving him with his father. His dad gets enlisted into the military and tells Peter he has to get rid of Pax. Peter sends Pax back into the woods to be wild for the first time.

laurenebailey14 - National Book Award for young People's Literature in 2016 2y
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This book tells us about two sisters, Faziah and Asiya. They talk about the first hijab day at school. Faziah admired Asiya's blue hijab and spoke great things about it. Other people were making fun of Asiya's hijab and Faziah educated her peers on what it was for. Faziah talks about how much she admires Asiya and cant wait to wear her first hijab.

laurenebailey14 - Goodreads Choice Award for Picture Books nominee (2019)
- Booklist Editor's Choice: Books for Youth (2019)
- Rise: A Feminist Book project top ten (2020)
- ALSC's Notable Children's Books (2020)
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A Boy and a Jaguar | Alan Rabinowitz

This book is about a boy who speaks with a stutter. He is upset by the large cats in the cages at his local zoo and wonders how they feel being trapped inside of a cage. He loses his stutter when he sings, and when he speaks to the animals. He wants to use his voice to speak out for the animals that cannot speak for themselves. He later travels to Belize to study jaguars, and finds himself looking at one. He whispers thank you with no stutter.

laurenebailey14 - Schneider Family book award in 2015 2y
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Rescue and Jessica: A Life-Changing Friendship | Patrick Downes, Jessica Kensky

This book tells us about the true story of the aftermath for Jessica of the Boston marathon bombing. She was now needed a service dog for everyday activites and Rescue was the perfect dog to help. They work together to complete tasks and take one step at a time. Rescue and Jessica became bestfriends and Jessica thanks Rescue for helping her out.

laurenebailey14 - Schneider Family book award in 2019 2y
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This book is filled with short poems that have been around for years. From Jack and the Beanstalk to Cinderella. I would definitely use this in my classroom because I love the fact that the words and different colors, so you can team read this together!


This story tells us about a little boy who loves using his imagination. Morris loves his classroom's dress-up center -he loves wearing the tangerine dress. But the children in Morris's class don't understand. They tease and taunt him until he does not want to come to school anymore. After spending time at home with his cat, he returns to school wearing the dress with pride.

laurenebailey14 -Stonewall book award
-CCBC choices
-Canadian childrens literature award
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Brown Honey in Broomwheat Tea | Joyce Carol Thomas

This book is filled with poems written about love, family, freedom and dreams. There are beautiful illustrations on each page representing each poem. These poems explore African American identity.

laurenebailey14 Coretta Scott King honor award 2y
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The Rainbow Fish | Marcus Pfister

This book tells us about a fish who has plentiful special scales. His fish peers get jealous that they do not have any shiny scales so they ask for some to share. Rainbow fish says no and stumbles upon an octopus who has some words with rainbow fish. He comes around and decides to share with his peers because no one would hangout with him when he was being selfish. Once he shared, everyone became friends.

laurenebailey14 #1 Publishers Weekly Bestseller.
Wall Street Journal Bestseller.
An IRA-CBC Children's Choice.
Winner of the Bologna Book Fair Critici in Erba Prize.
A Christopher Award Winner
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The Day You Begin | Jacqueline Woodson

Angelina enters her classroom and realizes that her skin, clothing and hair was different than everyone elses. Kids that looked different were laughed at and made fun of. Angelina finds the courage to connect with new friends, even when she feels alone and scared.

laurenebailey14 Jane Addams Peace Association.
2019 Winner Book for Younger Children.
2019 Floyd's Pick Book Award Winner.
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We Are Water Protectors | Carole Lindstrom

This book tells the story of the importance of keeping our water clean, especially from oil. We Are Water Protectors tells is the importance of water and why we need to do our part to keep it flourishing.

laurenebailey14 - Caldecott award
- Jane Addams award
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This book tells the story of Nasreen, who is a girl living in Afghanistan. Her father gets taken away by the soldiers and it's Nasreen's goal to get an education. Her grandmother sneaks her to a school for girls that is hidden from the Afghan soldiers. She starts learning new things and wants to create a beautiful life for herself.

laurenebailey14 Nasreen won the Jane Addams book award in 2010
Parents' Choice Award.
Skipping Stones Honor Book.
Amelia Bloomer List.
Horace Mann Upstanders Book Award Honor
CCBC Choices (Cooperative Children's Book Council)
CBC/NCSS Notable Social Studies Trade Book.
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This story is set up in an interview style. The boy asks his cat questions such as, do you get scared in the dark? Do you have a cat bed for yourself? etc... This book is in the poetry genre.


I love this book! The book is about a boy named James who lives with his two cruel aunts befriends bugs who have made a home inside of a giant peach. They go on a journey to New York! The story ends with the peach being almost completely eaten by local children who were wanting to see it in person.

laurenebailey14 -Roald Dahl won Children's Author of the Year in 1990
-Massachusetts Childrens Award
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On Market Street | Arnold Lobel

This book describes several things sold on market street. Each page shows a picture of the things bought while on market street. The narrator gets so much that she can barely carry her things home to her kitten.

laurenebailey14 -National Book Award winner
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Tamora Pierce has written popular fantasy novels for years. The First Test is about a girl who wants to get her knighthood after it had just become legal for women to try in over a century. This novel tracks her progress and journey throughout her first year of training to the palace training master, Wyldon of Cavall.


Z. P. Alabasium, a wizard, moved into Mrs. Beggs boarding house. After he moved in, weird things started to happen such as withered flowers and reptiles in beds. When Mrs. Beggs calls for help, the wizard turned the help into a ram! To fix this problem, the landlady used a book of witchcraft to be rid of the wizard. Once the houseguests start feeling bored since the wizard left, a creature in a black cloak arrived at the door with a suitcase.

Crafty Chameleon | Mwenye Hadithi

This story is about a chameleon who likes to swing from the trees. A leopard and an alligator torment him everyday so he chameleon decides to play a trick on them! He changes his color to hide from them when he hears them coming, and they never see him!

laurenebailey14 Kate Greenaway Medal

I would use this book in my classroom in the future
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Pumpkin Soup | Helen Cooper

This book was about fall and friendship. A cat, a duck and a squirrel make pumpkin soup everyday. They each had a specific job they did for it everytime. One day the duck decided he wanted to switch jobs and he wanted to stir the soup instead. This caused an argument between the friends causing duck to disappear. Cat and squirrel searched for him and eventually found him! When they were reunited, they made pumpkin soup just like they used to.

laurenebailey14 This book was awarded the Kate Greenaway Medal. I would definitely use this book in my classroom around fall time. 2y
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And Tango Makes Three | Justin Richardson, Peter Parnell

This book tells the story of two male penguins who fall in love. The girl penguins start to match up with some of the boy penguins and create eggs to take care of. Roy and Silo picked one another, but were not able to produce an egg. They chose to sit on rocks instead. The zoo keeper notices this and brings them an extra egg to take care of. The egg hatches, and out came Tango!

laurenebailey14 -ALA Notable Children's Book Nominee in 2006
-ASPCA Henry Bergh Book Award in 2005
-Bank Street Best Book of the Year in 2006.
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Interrupting Chicken | David Ezra Stein

This book was about a boy who was being read to by his grandpa. The chicken would constantly interrupt and ruin the ending of the story for the boy. The boy suggests grandpa makes up his own story so the chicken will not know what comes next.

laurenebailey14 This book won the Golden Kite Award in 2011. 2y
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This book is about a princess who lost everything she had in a fire produced by a dragon. The princess befriends the dragon and he helps her to find the prince that he had taken. Once the prince is found, the princess becomes unhappy and decides to stay single.

laurenebailey14 -The 150 bestselling Canadian books of the past 10 years - CBC Books 2017
-Best Canadian Children's Books of All Time - Today's Parent Magazine 2016
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Pie in the Sky | Lois Ehlert

This book tells the story of some birds who were sitting in a tree. The author would describe what he or she was seeing such as colors, leaves, berries, etc... The materials gathered from the tree were used to bake a pie.

laurenebailey14 This book has won the Golden Kite Award 2y
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This book talks about sadness (portrayed as a big green blob) and how/why we sometimes feel this way. It lets us know that it is okay to feel sad at times and gives the reader a feeling of empathy. This is a great book for children to read so they further understand their feelings and understand that others feel this way as well.

Millions of Cats | Wanda Gag

This book depicts a very old couple who wanted to find a cat to keep for some more companionship. They end up getting a million cats as their pets and have the tough choice of which one they want to keep. I would rate this book a 7/10. You could use this book in a childrens math class as well.

Award: Newbery Honor Award 1929

Owl Moon | Jane Yolen

Owl Moon tells us about a girl and her father who go owling in the late nights of winter. The books lesson is bravery and goal setting. I would rate this book a 3/5. I liked the plot but feel as if the illustration was very dark and gloomy and it was wordy (you may lose some childrens attention).

laurenebailey14 This book has won the Caldecott medal in 1988 3y
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