Good book with some funny tales of his time at the NME.
Loving see how the story and characters evolve. Martin never fails to impress with each chapter and verse.
#gameofthrones #stormofswords #steelandsnow #asongoficeandfire #georgerrmartin #fantasy #scifi
Good write ups of the men and soldiers behind some of the infamous campaigns of the regiment. Fascinating.
Really good autobiography, quite funny but poignant when you consider how much they put on the line every time they leave the start line at Glencutchery Road on the Isle of Man.
#iomtt #johnmcguinness #builtforspeed #touristtrophy
Read this twice now and it‘s a very good read in terms of how one person can overcome so much grief and despair and turn that into a marathon motorcycle trip and come out better. When you consider how he put most of the journey into inspiration for the Rush album, Vapor Trails - you can see how well the two translate together.
#ghostrider #neilpeart #travelbook
One of, if not, my favourite ever autobiographies. People often think of the Jim Royle character he made famous, but the life and times he lived through before all that - and how subsequently he overcame it all is quite inspiring.
#ricky #autobiography #rickytomlinson
Eye opener about the world of Explosive Ordnance Disposal. Interesting and humbling.
One of the funniest memoirs I‘ve read and I‘ve read it maybe 4 times now. Laugh out loud almost every page nearly. What a life.
#ozzyosbourne #iamozzy #blacksabbath #rocknroll
One of the first proper books I really loved and thought about for a good while after I finished. The whole idea and concept of the Cemetery of the Forgotten Books is amazing.
#carlosruizzafon #theshadowofthewind #spain #danielsempere #hermon
Second book in the series. Really strong following on from the first. Particularly liked the prologue in this book. Overall fantastic.
Fascinating insight to a musician I‘ve always been intrigued by. From a relatively horrific childhood into one of the most iconic bands of all time.
Fantastic book, really well written. The level of detail he crams in and the pacing of the story is immense. I always feel when I read one of his books that there‘s never a dull moment.