Imaginative. A bit dark. I really liked it and wanted more (not because it wasn't enough, just because I enjoyed the story).
Imaginative. A bit dark. I really liked it and wanted more (not because it wasn't enough, just because I enjoyed the story).
A charming and gorgeous not-quite-love story set at the barely accessible b&b in Italy, hilariously called The Hotel Adequate View. "Life, he thought, is a blatant act of imagination."
I wanted this book to be more. I still enjoyed it but it didn't compare to game of thrones.
Completely compelling. I loved loved it, even though it was a bit terrifying at times. A book about what it is to be human, human nature, humanity and the loss of it, and little girl. I suspect this is going to be my favorite book of 2016.
I wanted to love this book. And in some ways I did. I liked the rawness, the sometimes crudeness. But it just didn't go anywhere for me. It did not capture me....except for this page. Which I found completely beautiful.
I don't read a lot of non-fiction, but this book is riveting, well written. Couldn't put it down. About the rise of the fundamentalist Mormons in North America. My favorite non- fiction book.
This book is published by my friend Vici Johnson's queer publishing company Dagger Press. I loved and appreciated this book. It's well written, funny at times, sad at times. I saw my life and my community reflected in it- I personally related to this book about navigating queer land. Which is rare
My favorite Neil Gaiman book- out of a whole lot of fantastic Neil Gaiman books.
I think about this book. My friend recommended it to me. And for the first half I really "liked" it. But then it twists and becomes more complex and the stories pull together. And by the end I loved it and find I think of it often for some reason.
This book was charming. But not in a simple way. It was a beautifully written story about a romantic love stuck innkeeper in remote Italy, a dying movie star, and time.
This is the first book of "The First Laws" trilogy. It is a bit like Game of Thrones but with a lot of wit and a cast of anti-heros. I have read a number of his books and like them all, but this trilogy stands out for me.
Stunning, gorgeous and intense. Historical novel about the siege and fall of Masada during the Roman Empire told through the stories of the women who were the dovekeepers. Both heartbreaking and heart lifting. My favorite read of 2013.
Not only is this book my favorite read this last year- it's one of my favorite novels ever. Love everything about this book - which combines end of the world as we know it with theatre, human nature and humanity. Just read it a second time and loved it again. Can't say enough. And aCanadian author.
Imaginative, engaging. Loved it. My favorite book I read in 2014.